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張 楠



主要從事質量管理、可靠性建模、隨機優化及質保策略等方面的研究工作。近年來在European Journal of Operational Research, IISE Transactions和Reliability Engineering & System Safety等國際高水平期刊發表SCI論文20余篇。歡迎對數據科學、隨機優化、決策科學感興趣的同學聯系攻讀學位。


郵箱:  nan.zhang@bit.edu.cn


2019.3-至今 偉德國際1946bv官網,管理與經濟學院,助理教授 (2019), 副教授 (2024)

2019.3-2021.3 偉德國際1946bv官網博士后 合作導師:張軍院士


2014.10-2018.06  特魯瓦科技大學(法國) 系統安全與優化專業博士

2011.09-2014.07  北京交通大學 概率論與數理統計專業碩士

2007.09-2011.07  北京交通大學 信息與計算科學專業學士


本科生: 隨機運籌學、應用統計學、質量管理


MBA: 文獻檢索與論文寫作







技術服務類項目“ATN ANSP路由系統可靠性測試”,主持





(1) Zhang N, Cai K*, Deng Y, Zhang J. Determining the optimal production–maintenance policy of a parallel production system with stochastically interacted yield and deterioration. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023,237:109342.(JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(2) Zhang N, Cai K, Deng Y, Zhang J. Joint optimization of condition-based maintenance and condition-based production of a single equipment considering random yield and maintenance delay. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023,241,109694. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(3) Zhao F, Peng R, Zhang N*. Inspection policy optimization for a k-out-of-n/Cl (k′, n′; F) system considering failure dependence: a case study. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023, 237:109331. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(4) Zhang N, Tian S, Cai K, Zhang J. Condition-based maintenance assessment for a deteriorating system considering stochastic failure dependence. IISE Transactions. 2023, 55(7):687-697. (SCI,工業工程旗艦刊物)

(5) Sheng J, Cong S, Zhang N*, Ma Y. Reliability Modelling and Self-healing Policy Design for Systems with Limited Resources. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023,240:109537.  (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(6) Zhang N, Deng Y, Liu B, Zhang J. Condition-based maintenance for a multi-component system in a dynamic operating environment. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2023, 231:108988. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(7) Shang L, Zhang N*, Yang L, Shang L. Study of a Random Warranty Model Maintaining Fairness and a Random Replacement Next Model Sustaining Post-Warranty Reliability. Axioms. 2023,12(3), 258.

(8) Tian S, Zhang N*, Fouladirad M. An integrated optimization of lot-sizing and condition-based maintenance policy of a two-stage deteriorating system. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023,179:109223. (SCI, JCR Q1)

(9) Zhang N, Zhang J, Sheng J. Reliability and maintenance analysis of a system with dependent main and auxiliary components. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023,179:109188. (SCI, JCR Q1)

(10) Zhang N, Tian S, Xu J, Deng Y, Cai K. Optimal production lot-sizing and condition-based maintenance policy considering imperfect manufacturing process and inspection errors. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023,177:108929. (SCI, JCR Q1)

(11) Zhang N, Cai K, Zhang J, Wang T. A condition-based maintenance policy considering failure dependence and imperfect inspection for a two-component system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2022,217:108069. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(12) Zhang N, Tian S, Liu B, Zhang J. Joint optimization of production lot-sizing and condition-based maintenance in an imperfect production process with dependent indicators. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management. 2022,20(4):511-527. (SCI, JCR Q1)

(13) Zhang N, Tian S, Li L, Wang Z, Zhang J. Maintenance analysis of a partial observable K-out-of-N system with load sharing units. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 2022:1748006X221109351. (SCI, FMS-B)

(14) Zhang N, Fouladirad M, Barros A, Zhang J. Reliability and maintenance analysis of a degradation-threshold-shock model for a system in a dynamic environment. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021,91:549-562. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(15) Zhang N, Fouladirad M, Barros A, Zhang, J. Condition-based maintenance for a K-out-of-N deteriorating system under periodic inspection with failure dependence. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020,287(1):159-167.  (JCR Q1,管理科學Top, FMS-A)

(16) Zhang N, Fouladirad M, Barros A. Reliability-based measures and prognostic analysis of a K-out-of-N system in random environments. European Journal of Operational Research. 2019,272(3):1120-1131. (JCR Q1, 管理科學Top, FMS-A)

(17) Zhang N, Fouladirad, M, Barros A. Optimal imperfect maintenance cost analysis of a two-component system with failure interactions. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2018, 177:24-34. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(18) Zhang N, Fouladirad M, Barros A. Evaluation of the warranty cost of a product with type III stochastic dependence between components. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2018,59:39-53. (JCR Q1, 工程技術Top)

(19) Zhang N, Fouladirad M, Barros A. Maintenance analysis of a two-component load-sharing system. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2017,167:67-74. (JCR Q1,工程技術Top)

(20) 張楠, 劉雨, 蔡開泉, 張軍. 考慮共因失效和負載分擔的表決系統維修優化分析. 運籌與管理 2023, 32(7):44-48. (CSSCI, CSCD,國家自科基金認定管理類重要期刊FMS-T2)

(21) 張楠,劉雨,蔡開泉,張軍.累積沖擊下的經濟生產批量及視情維修聯合優化問題[J/OL].工業工程與管理.https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/31.1738.t.20230629.1756.002.html (CSSCI, CDCD, 國家自科基金認定管理類重要期刊FMS-T2)

(22) 田森, 周蕾, 吳璇麗, 古欣于, 詹藝嘉, 楊郅涵, 張楠*. 面向綠色生產的設備檢測及運維優化決策研究. 運籌與管理. (CSSCI, CSCD,國家自科基金認定管理類重要期刊FMS-T2)

(23) 張楠, 竇澤鈺, 張冉, 迪娜爾, 劉夢琦, 蔡開泉. 多種工況信息披露水平下的表決系統維修優化問題. 運籌與管理. (CSSCI, CSCD,國家自科基金認定管理類重要期刊FMS-T2)