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高原博士,管理科學與工程專業預聘副教授、特別研究員、博士生導師,于2008年和2013年分別自南開大學、清華大學獲得數學學士、博士學位。2013年至2019年,任職于北京交通大學軌道交通控制與安全國家重點實驗室,其中2015年--2016年在荷蘭 Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University)訪問。擔任《交通運輸工程與信息學報》領域主編,JAT 編委,中國運籌學會不確定系統分會、智能計算分會理事等。



[1] Di Zhang, Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Lixin Cui. Timetable synchronization of the last several trains at night in an urban rail transit network, European Journal of Operational Research, 313(2), 494-512, 2024.

[2] Lin Yang, Yuan Gao*, Andrea D'Ariano, Suxiu Xu. Integrated optimization of train timetable and train unit circulation for a Y-type urban rail transit system with flexible train composition mode, Omega, 122(102968), 2024.

[3] Chuntian Zhang, Yuan Gao*, Valentina Cacchiani, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao. Train rescheduling for large-scale disruptions in a large-scale railway network, Transportation Research Part B, 174(102786), 2023.

[4] Yuan Gao, Jun Xia*, D’Ariano Andrea, Lixing Yang. Weekly rolling stock planning in Chinese high-speed rail networks, Transportation Research Part B, 158, 295-322, 2022.

[5] Yuan Gao, Jun Xia*, Hua Ke*. A branch-and-cut algorithm for hub network design problems with profits, Naval Research Logistics, 69(4), 622-639, 2022.

[6] Haifeng Zhang, Kai Yang*, Yuan Gao*. Accelerating Benders decomposition for stochastic incomplete multimodal hub location problem in many-to-many transportation and distribution systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 248(108493), 2022.

[7] Jiawei Yuan, Yuan Gao*, Shukai Li, Pei Liu, Lixing Yang. Integrated optimization of train timetable, rolling stock assignment and short-turning strategy for a metro line, European Journal of Operational Research, 301(3), 855-874, 2022.

[8] Housheng Zhou, Jianguo Qi, Lixing Yang, Jungang Shi, Hanchuan Pan, Yuan Gao. Joint optimization of train timetabling and rolling stock circulation planning: a novel flexible train composition mode. Transportation Research Part B, 162, 352-385, 2022.

[9] Yuan Gao*, Marie Schmidt, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao. A branch-and-price approach for trip sequence planning of high-speed train units, Omega, 92(102150), 2020.

[10] Chuntian Zhang, Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao, Jianguo Qi. Joint optimization of train scheduling and maintenance planning in a railway network: A heuristic algorithm using Lagrangian relaxation. Transportation Research Part B, 134, 64-92, 2020.

[11] Chuntian Zhang, Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Uday Kumar, Ziyou Gao. Integrated optimization of train scheduling and maintenance planning on high-speed railway corridors, Omega, 87, 86-104, 2019.

[12] Ying Wang, Yuan Gao*, Xiaoyuan Yu, Ingo A. Hansen, Jianrui Miao. Optimization models for high-speed train unit routing problems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127, 1273-1281, 2019.

[13] Yuan Gao*, Leo Kroon, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao. Three-stage optimization method for the problem of scheduling additional trains on a high-speed rail corridor, Omega, 80, 175-191, 2018.

[14] Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao. Energy consumption and travel time analysis for metro lines with express/local mode, Transportation Research Part D, 60, 7-27, 2018.

[15] Pei Liu, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao, Yeran Huang, Shukai Li, Yuan Gao, Energy-efficient train timetable optimization in the subway system with energy storage devices, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(12), 3947-3963, 2018.

[16] Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao. Real-time automatic rescheduling strategy for an urban rail line by integrating the information of fault handling, Transportation Research Part C, 81, 246-267, 2017.

[17] Zhongfeng Qin, Yuan Gao*. Uncapacitated p-hub location problem with uncertain flows, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 28(3), 705-716, 2017.

[18] Yuan Gao, Samarjit Kar*. Uncertain solid transportation problem with product blending, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 19(6), 1916-1926, 2017.

[19] Yuan Gao*, Leo Kroon, Marie Schmidt, Lixing Yang. Rescheduling a metro line in an over-crowded situation after disruptions, Transportation Research Part B, 93, 425-449, 2016.

[20] Lixing Yang, Yan Zhang, Shukai Li, Yuan Gao. A two-stage stochastic optimization model for the transfer activity choice in metro networks, Transportation Research Part B, 83, 271-297, 2016.

[21] Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Shukai Li. Uncertain models on railway transportation planning problem, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40, 4921-4934, 2016.

[22] Jianguo Qi, Lixing Yang*, Yuan Gao, Shukai Li, Ziyou Gao. Integrated multi-track station layout design and train scheduling models on railway corridors. Transportation Research Part C, 69, 91-119, 2016.

[23] Lixing Yang*, Jianguo Qi, Shukai Li, Yuan Gao. Collaborative optimization for train scheduling and train stop planning on high-speed railways. Omega, 64, 57-76, 2016.

[24] Yuan Gao, Zhongfeng Qin*. On computing the edge-connectivity of an uncertain graph, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 24(4), 981-991, 2016.

[25] Yuan Gao, Zhongfeng Qin*. A chance constrained programming approach for uncertain p-hub center location problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 102, 10-20, 2016.

[26] Yuhong Sheng, Yuan Gao*. Shortest path problem of uncertain random network , Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99, 97-105, 2016.

[27] Yuan Gao*, Lixing Yang, Shukai Li, Samarjit Kar. On distribution function of the diameter in uncertain graph, Information Sciences, 296, 61-74, 2015.


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 靈活編組模式下城市軌道交通列車調度優化, 2022- 01 至 2025-12, 主持

2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目, 高速鐵路動車組運用和檢修綜合優化的相關問題研究, 2018- 01 至 2021-12, 主持

3. 國家自然科學基金青年項目, 基于多階段不確定規劃模型的列車運行圖加線技術研究, 2015- 01 至 2017-12, 主持