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徐素秀,偉德國際1946bv官網教授、博導、特立青年學者。2008年哈爾濱工業大學數學系獲理學學士學位,2014年香港大學工業及制造系統工程系獲工學博士學位。任中國管理科學與工程學會交通運輸管理分會委員,中國系統工程學會物流系統工程專業委員會委員,中國管理現代化研究會管理與決策科學專業委員會理事,《工業工程》、《交通工程》等中文權威期刊青年編委,中國工程院院刊Frontiers of Engineering Management特約通訊專家,多個SCI/SSCI期刊編委及客座編輯。研究興趣包括交通經濟學、拍賣與機制設計、博弈與供應鏈管理、優化理論與算法等。主持2項國家自然科學基金項目(青年基金后評估為“特優”),入選2017年廣東省“珠江人才計劃”青年拔尖人才。累計發表中英文權威期刊論文70余篇,其中SCI/SSCI論文60余篇,包括Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Science、Production and Operations Management、IISE Transactions、Ecological Economics、Omega等。出版學術專著1部,發明專利授權及實審多項。Google Scholar累計引用超過1500次,研究論文獲IISE Transactions期刊年度最佳論文獎、江蘇省第十七屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎等。


2011.09 – 2014.08 香港大學工業及制造系統工程專業 工學博士

2008.09 – 2011.07 哈爾濱工業大學管理科學與工程專業 管理學碩士

2004.09 – 2008.07 哈爾濱工業大學數學與應用數學專業 理學學士


2022.02 – 至今  偉德國際1946bv官網 教授、博導

2016.09 – 2022.01 暨南大學智能科學與工程學院 教授、博導

2014.09 – 2016.08 香港大學工業及制造系統工程系 博士后、榮譽助理教授


Journal papers


[1]  Cheng, M., Ning, Y., Xu, S. X.*, Wang, Z., 2023. Novel double auctions for spatially distributed parking slot assignment with externalities. IISE Transactions, 55 (3), 288-300.

[2]  Shao, S., Xu, S. X.*, Yang, H., Huang, G. Q., 2020. Parking reservation disturbances. Transportation Research Part B, 135, 83-97.

[3]  Shao, S., Xu, S. X.*, Huang, G. Q., 2020. Variable neighborhood search and tabu search for auction-based waste collection synchronization. Transportation Research Part B, 133, 1-20.

[4] Xu, S. X., Shao, S.*, Qu, T., Chen, J., Huang, G. Q., 2018. Auction-based city logistics synchronization. IISE Transactions, 50 (9), 837-851.

[5] Xu, S. X.*, Huang, G. Q., 2017. Efficient multi-attribute multi-unit auctions for B2B e-commerce logistics. Production and Operations Management, 26 (2), 292-304.

[6] Xu, S. X., Huang, G. Q.*, Cheng, M., 2017. Truthful, budget-balanced bundle double auctions for carrier collaboration. Transportation Science, 51 (4), 1365-1386.

[7] Xu, S. X., Cheng, M., Kong, X. T. R., Yang, H., Huang, G. Q.*, 2016. Private parking slot sharing. Transportation Research Part B, 93, 596-617.

[8] Xu, S. X., Cheng, M., Huang, G. Q.*, 2015. Efficient intermodal transportation auctions for B2B e-commerce logistics with transaction costs. Transportation Research Part B, 80, 322-337.

[9] Xu, S. X., Huang, G. Q.*, 2015. Auction-based transportation procurement in make-to-order systems. IIE Transactions, 47 (11), 1236-1251.

[10] Xu, S. X., Huang, G. Q.*, 2014. Efficient auctions for distributed transportation procurement. Transportation Research Part B, 65, 47-64.

[11] Xu, S. X., Huang, G. Q.*, 2013. Transportation service procurement in periodic sealed double auctions with stochastic demand and supply. Transportation Research Part B, 56, 136-160.

[12] Huang, G. Q., Xu, S. X.*, 2013. Truthful multi-unit transportation procurement auctions for logistics e-marketplaces. Transportation Research Part B, 47, 127-148.

[13] Feng, J., Ning, Y., Wang, Z., Li, G., Xu, S. X.*, 2024. ChatGPT-enabled two-stage auctions for electric vehicle battery recycling. Transportation Research Part E, 183, 103453.

[14] Cheng, M., Inci, E., Xu, S. X.*, Zhai, Y., 2023. A novel mechanism for private parking space sharing: The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves auction with scale control. Transportation Research Part C, 150, 104106.

[15] Xu, S. X., Feng, J.*, Huang, G. Q., Zhai, Y., Cheng, M., 2023. Toward efficient waste electric vehicle battery recycling via auction-based market trading mechanisms. International Journal of Production Research, 61 (24), 8598-8617.

[16] Li, M., Feng, J., Xu, S. X.*, 2023. Toward resilient cloud warehousing via a blockchain-enabled auction approach. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 10 (1), 20-38.

[17] Kang, K., Xu, S. X.*, Zhong, R. Y., Tan, B. Q., Huang, G. Q., 2022. Double auction-based manufacturing cloud service allocation in an industrial park. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19 (1), 295-307.

[18] Ning, Y., Xu, S. X.*, Huang, G. Q., Lin, X., 2021. Optimal digital product auctions with unlimited supply and rebidding behavior. Annals of Operations Research, 307, 399-416.

[19] Tan, B. Q., Xu, S. X.*, Kang, K., Xu, G., Qin, W., 2021. A reverse Vickrey auction for Physical Internet (PI) enabled parking management systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 235, 108083.

[20] Xu, S. X., Zhong, R. Y.*, Cheng, M., 2019. Carrier collaboration based on market design. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 132, 223-231.

[21] Tan, B. Q., Xu, S. X.*, Zhong, R., Cheng, M., Kang, K., 2019. Sequential auction based parking space sharing and pricing mechanism in the era of sharing economy. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119 (8), 1734-1747.

[22] Chu, X., Xu, S. X.*, Cai, F., Chen, J., Qin, Q., 2019. An efficient auction mechanism for regional logistics synchronization. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30 (7), 2715-2731.

[23] Kong, X. T. R., Xu, S. X.*, Cheng, M., Huang, G. Q., 2018. IoT-enabled parking space sharing and allocation mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15 (4), 1654-1664.

[24] Cheng, M., Xu, S. X.*, Huang, G. Q., 2016. Truthful multi-unit multi-attribute double auctions for perishable supply chain trading. Transportation Research Part E, 93, 21-37.

[25] 孔祥天瑞, 王超, 徐素秀*, 羅浩, 2023. 數字經銷平臺統采共配雙層拍賣機制設計. 系統管理學報, 32 (4), 651-663.

[26] 譚冰清, 徐素秀*, 許鋼焱, 周耀明, 2021. 基于組合拍賣與統一價格的停車位最優分配研究. 交通運輸系統工程與信息, 21 (3), 193-199.

[27] Kong, X. T. R., Kang, K.*, Zhong, R. Y., Luo, H., Xu, S. X., 2021. Cyber physical system-enabled on-demand logistics trading. International Journal of Production Economics, 233, 108005.

[28] Kang, K., Zhong, R. Y.*, Xu, S. X., Tan, B. Q., Wang, L., Peng, T., 2021. Auction-based cloud service allocation and sharing for logistics product service system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 123881.

[29] Sun, J., Li, G.*, Xu, S. X., Dai, W., 2019. Intermodal transportation service procurement with transaction costs under belt and road initiative. Transportation Research Part E, 127, 31-48.

[30] Kang, K.*, Zhong, R. Y., Xu, S., 2019. Cloud-enabled sharing in logistics product service system. Procedia CIRP, 83, 451-455.


[1]  Xu, S. X.*, 2021. Overexploitation risk in “Green Mountains and Clear Water”. Ecological Economics, 179, 106804.

[2]  Chen, F., Xu, S. X.#, Ning, Y.*, Ji, X., Ren, Y., 2024. Compatible electric vehicle charging service: Blessing or curse?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 79, 103830.

[3] Tan, B. Q., Xu, S. X.*, Thürer, M., Kang, K., Zhao, Z., Li, M., 2024. Booking versus search-based parking strategy: A game-theoretic methodology. Research in Transportation Economics, 104, 101416.

[4] Xu, S. X., Guo, R. Y., Zhai, Y.*, Feng, J., Ning, Y., 2024. Toward a positive compensation policy for rail transport via mechanism design: The case of China Railway Express. Transport Policy, 146, 322-342.  

[5] Xu, S. X., Ning, Y.*, Cheng, H., Zhang, A., Gao, Y., Huang, G. Q., 2024. Optimal vehicle fleet planning and collaboration under carbon neutrality: A game-theoretic perspective. International Journal of Production Research, 62 (12), 4389-4406.

[6]  Chen, F., Xu, S.*, Zhai, Y., 2024. Electric vehicle subsidy structure considering network externality under carbon neutrality constraints. Kybernetes, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-07-2023-1185  

[7]  Cheng, H., Xu, S. X.*, Huang, G. Q., Shao, S., Xu, G., 2022. Optimal pricing for ferry services with a new entrant: A game-theoretic perspective. Transportmetrica A, 18 (3), 1626-1655.

[8]  Ning, Y., Xu, S. X.*, Yan, M., Huang, G. Q., 2018. Digital pricing with piracy and variety seeking. International Journal of Production Economics, 206, 184-195.

[9] Xu, S. X., Lu, Q.*, Huang, G. Q., Zhang, T., 2013. Scope economies, market information, and make-or-buy decision under asymmetric information. International Journal of Production Economics, 145 (1), 339-348.

[10] Xu, S. X.*, Lu, Q., Li, Z., 2012. Optimal modular production strategies under market uncertainty: A real options perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 139 (1), 266-274.

[11] 翟月, 鄭大昭, 徐素秀*, 黎建強, 2024. 交付時間敏感型需求下的定制化供應鏈對沖決策研究. 運籌與管理, 已錄用.

[12] 徐素秀, 謝冰, 秦威*, 程會兵, 2021. 電動汽車充電與換電模式定價及投資策略. 交通運輸系統工程與信息, 21 (5), 183-189.

[13] 徐素秀, 張雨萌*, 李從東, 屈挺, 2020. 知識產權保護下數字產品定價策略研究——考慮利益共享與網絡外部性的分析. 價格理論與實踐, 12期, 115-118+164.

[14] 翟月, 羅開南*, 徐素秀, 2024. 考慮顧客對服務質量敏感的“車聯網+平臺”合作機制研究. 工業工程與管理, 已錄用.

[15] Wang, Q., Xu, S. X., Ji, X.*, Zhao, N., 2024. Joint decisions on selling mode choice and emission reduction investment under cap-and-trade regulation. International Journal of Production Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2023.2296974  

[16] Zhai, Y., Choi, T. M., Shao, S.*, Xu, S. X., Huang, G. Q., 2020. Spatial-temporal hedging coordination in prefabricated housing production. International Journal of Production Economics, 229, 107792.

[17] Li, L., Xu, S. X., Ning, Y.*, Liu, Y., Yang, S., 2023. How should companies deploy their digital supply chain platforms to gain competitive advantages? An asset orchestration perspective. Information & Management, 60 (6), 103842.

[18] Ning, Y., Li, L.*, Xu, S. X., Yang, S., 2023. How do digital technologies improve supply chain resilience in the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 10 (1), 39-50.

[19] Ning, Y., Yan, M.*, Xu, S. X., Li, Y., Li, L., 2021. Shared parking acceptance under perceived network externality and risks: Theory and evidence. Transportation Research Part A, 150, 1-15.


[1]  Xu, S., Zhai, Y., Feng, J.*, Liu, G., 2023. A framework of carbon-neutral waste transportation: Modeling and sensitive analysis. Circular Economy, 2 (1), 100024.

[2]  Feng, J., Xu, S. X.*, Xu, G., Cheng, H., 2022. An integrated decision-making method for locating parking centers of recyclable waste transportation vehicles. Transportation Research Part E, 157, 102569.

[3]  Feng, J., Xu, S. X.*, 2021. Integrated tech-paradigm based innovative approach towards photovoltaic power generation technology. Energy Strategy Reviews, 34, 100613.

[4]  Feng, J., Xu, S. X.*, Li, M., 2021. A novel multi-criteria decision-making method for selecting the site of an electric-vehicle charging station from a sustainable perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102623.

[5]  Chu, X., Shao, S.*, Xu, S. X.*, Kang, K., 2020. Data-driven ferry network design with candidate service arcs: The case of Zhuhai Islands in China. Maritime Policy & Management, 47 (5), 598-614.  

[6] 徐素秀, 王洋迪, 高原*, 郭思尼, 2024. 基于分布魯棒優化的工業圖像異常識別方法. 系統管理學報, 已錄用.

[7]  Wang, Y., Guo, W., Xu, S. X., Yuan, S., 2024. Progressive self-guided hardness distillation for fine-grained visual classification. In 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, accepted.

[8]  Yang, L., Gao, Y.*, D’Ariano, A., Xu, S., 2024. Integrated optimization of train timetable and train unit circulation for a Y-type urban rail transit system with flexible train composition mode. Omega, 122, 102968.

[9]  Zhou, B., Dong, Y., Yang, G.*, Hou, F., Hu, Z., Xu, S., Ma, S., 2023. A graph-attention based spatial-temporal learning framework for tourism demand forecasting. Knowledge-Based Systems, 263, 110275.

[10] Qiu, X., Xu, S. X., Xu, G.*, 2021. Pricing and scheduling of barge hinterland transportation service for inbound containers. Transportation Research Part E, 156, 102515.

[11] Yan, M., Feng, J.*, Xu, S. X., 2021. Interval-valued intuitionistic pure linguistic entropy weight method and its application to group decision-making. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 41 (2), 3301-3316.

[12] Shu, P., Sun, Y., Xie, B., Xu, S. X., Xu, G.*, 2021. Data-driven shuttle service design for sustainable last mile transportation. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 49, 101344.

[13] Xu, G., Zhang, R., Xu, S. X., Kou, X., Qiu, X.*, 2021. Personalized multimodal travel service design for sustainable intercity transport. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308, 127367.

[14] 林瀚盛, 屈挺*, 徐素秀, Thürer M., 郭洪飛, 黃國全, 2021. 雙渠道多級分銷網絡庫存整合優化配置. 工業工程, 24 (4), 134-142.

[15] Wang, J.*, Xu, S. X., Xu, G., 2020. Intelligent decision making for service and manufacturing industries. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 31 (8), 2089-2090.

[16] Chu, X., Cai, F., Gao, D., Li, L., Cui, J., Xu, S. X., Qin, Q.*, 2020. An artificial bee colony algorithm with adaptive heterogeneous competition for global optimization problems. Applied Soft Computing, 93, 106391.

[17] Chu, X., Gao, D., Chen, J., Cui, J., Cui, C., Xu, S. X., Qin, Q.*, 2019. Adaptive differential search algorithm with multi-strategies for global optimization problems. Neural Computing and Applications, 31 (12), 8423-8440.

[18] Zhang, M., Huang, G. Q.*, Xu, S. X., Zhao, Z., 2019. Optimization based transportation service trading in B2B e-commerce logistics. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30 (7), 2603-2619.

[19] Huang, G. Q., Zhang, T.*, Xu, S. X., Qu, T., 2014. Headquarter-centered common order management: A simulation approach. Production Planning & Control, 25 (13-14), 1156-1168.


[1]  高原, 徐素秀*, 丁洳茜, 2024. 管理科學與工程專業建模優化實踐課程建設探索. 高教學刊, 10 (12), 29-32+37.


[1]  孔祥天瑞, 徐素秀, 黃國全, 秦開大, 2022. “數智化生鮮農產品拍賣機制與運營優化”. 經濟科學出版社, ISBN:978-7-5218-3148-1.

[2] Xu, S. X., 2023. Overexploitation. In Dictionary of Ecological Economics (pp. 394-394). Edward Elgar Publishing.


[1]  2022.08-2022.12,珠海市橫向項目:“鶴洲新區陸島交通扶持政策研究服務項目”,項目負責人,27.5萬.

[2]  2021.01-2024.12,國家自然科學基金面上項目:“基于魯棒優化與多階段組合拍賣的動態垃圾清運聯動機制及算法研究”(72071093),項目負責人,49萬.

[3]  2020.01-2021.12,廣東省自然資源廳項目:“基于大數據的珠海萬山群島運輸網絡及公共服務云平臺設計”(粵自然資合[2020]071號),項目負責人,100萬.

[4]  2020.01-2024.12,“廣東特支計劃”本土創新創業團隊項目:“大灣區智慧物流團隊”(2019BT02S593),核心成員(排名4/6),1000萬.

[5]  2018.01-2020.12,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:“基于單邊組合VCG拍賣的城市物流聯動機制及算法研究”(71701079),項目負責人,18萬.(后評估為“特優”)

[6]  2018.05-2018.08,珠海市橫向項目:“珠海萬山區海島客運規劃研究”,項目負責人,24.8萬.





工程院院刊Frontiers of Engineering Management特約通訊專家



International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 青年編委

RAE (Journal of Business Management)等SSCI/ABS期刊副編輯

Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing、Journal of Advanced Transportation、International Journal of Engineering Business Management等SCI期刊客座編輯



[1]  邵賽俊,徐素秀,程會兵,屈挺,譚冰清. 一種基于可變鄰域下降混合算法的輪渡服務網絡優化方法. 專利號:202010325030.5,狀態:已授權.

[2]  李明,徐素秀. 一種基于NB-IoT的低功耗多模定位方法及系統. 專利號:202010338161.7,狀態:已受理.

[3] 徐素秀, 馮江洪, 楊光華, 屈挺, 程會兵. 一種基于多屬性決策的海島垃圾中轉站選址優化方法. 專利號:202111571408.0,狀態:已受理.

[4]  周炳貴、楊光華、施政、徐素秀、胡錚、江海濤. 一種基于圖卷積與注意力機制的時空旅游需求預測方法. 專利號:202210945483.7,狀態:已受理.



科研論文“Auction-based city logistics synchronization”獲IISE旗艦期刊《IISE Transactions》年度最佳論文獎

科研論文“Intermodal transportation service procurement with transaction costs under belt and road initiative”獲江蘇省第十七屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎

2016 IISE Asia國際會議最佳論文獎

2021 IEEE IEEM國際會議最佳論文獎








[1]  干思思, 2022. 徐素秀: “算法”詩情. 科學中國人, 2022年1月, 60-63.


[1] 徐蘇秀, 2023. “迷者之歌”. 中國財富出版社. ISBN:978-7-5047-7903-8.






