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從事綠色消費、能效標識、企業節能減排、在線消費行為等方面的研究。作為負責人主持國家自然科學基金面上項目2項、青年項目1項,教育部人文社會科學基金青年項目,博士后科學基金一等資助項目,偉德國際1946bv官網優秀青年教師資助計劃擇優資助項目。作為課題骨干參與國家重點研發計劃課題。在Energy Economics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Policy, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology等SCI/SSCI國際期刊上發表論文20多篇,其中多篇入選ESI高被引論文。



Yixiang Zhang*, Bowen Fu, 2023, “Impact of China’s establishment of ecological civilization pilot zones on carbon dioxide emissions”, Journal of Environmental Management, 325, 116652.

Yixiang Zhang*, Bowen Fu, 2023, “Social trust contributes to the reduction of urban carbon dioxide emissions”, Energy, 279, 128127.

Yixiang Zhang*, Jialei Yang, Meiling Liu, 2022, “Enterprises’ energy-saving capability: Empirical study from a dynamic capability perspective”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,162 ,112450.

Yixiang Zhang*, Weiyi Zhou, Meiling Liu, 2022, “Driving factors of enterprise energy-saving and emission reduction behaviors”, Energy, 256, 124685.

Yixiang Zhang*, Juan Li, Wenwen Tao, 2021, “Does energy efficiency affect appliance prices? Empirical analysis of air conditioners in China based on propensity score matching”, Energy Economics, 101, 105435.

Yixiang Zhang*, Wenwen Tao, 2020, “Will energy efficiency affect appliance price? An empirical analysis of refrigerators in China based on hedonic price model”, Energy Policy, 147, 111818.

Yixiang Zhang*, Congcong Xiao, Guanghui Zhou, 2020, “Willingness to pay a price premium for energy-saving appliances: Role of perceived value and energy efficiency labeling”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118555.

Yixiang Zhang *, Shiqi Xiao, Guanghui Zhou, 2020, “User continuance of a green behavior mobile application in China: An empirical study of Ant Forest”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118497.

Xiaojie Zhang, Yulin Fang, Wei He, Yixiang Zhang*, Xinmei Liu, 2019, “Epistemic motivation, task reflexivity, and knowledge contribution behavior on team wikis: A cross-level moderation model”. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70(5), 448-461.

Yixiang Zhang*, Yimin Wei, Guanghui Zhou, 2018, “Promoting firms’ energy-saving behavior: The role of institutional pressures, top management support and financial slack”, Energy Policy, 115, 230–238.

Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Guanghui Zhou, 2014, “Determinants of employee electricity saving: The role of social benefits, personal benefits and organizational electricity saving climate”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66, 280-287.

Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Guanghui Zhou, 2013, “Antecedents of employee electricity saving behavior in organizations: An empirical study based on norm activation model”, Energy Policy, 62, 1120–1127.

Yixiang Zhang*, Yulin Fang, Kwok-Kee Wei, Wei He, 2013, “Cognitive elaboration during wiki use in project teams: An empirical study”, Decision Support Systems, 55(3), 792–801.

Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang*, Kwok-Kee Wei, Elaine Ramsey, Patrick McCole, Huaping Chen, 2011, “Repurchase intention in B2C e-commerce-A relationship quality perspective”, Information & Management, 48(6), 192-200.

Yixiang Zhang, Yulin Fang*, Kwok Kee Wei, Huaping Chen, 2010, “Exploring the Role of Psychological Safety in Promoting the Intention to Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities”, International Journal of Information Management, 30(5), 425-436.


(1) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“能效標識對家電購買以及使用行為的影響機理研究”,2021-2024,項目主持人。

(2) 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“企業采納節能技術和管理措施的影響因素及其對財務績效的影響研究”,2017-2020,項目主持人。

(3) 國家自然科學基金青年項目,“基于社會交換理論的生產型員工節能行為機理研究”,2013-2015,項目主持人。




Decision Support Systems, Energy Policy, Information & Management, Information Technology & People, International Conference on Information Systems等國際期刊和國際會議同行審稿人。



郵    編:100081


電子郵箱:isyxzhang@bit.edu.cn; isyxzhang@hotmail.com