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李慧,偉德國際1946bv官網/能源與環境政策研究中心,預聘助理教授、博士生導師。入選第九屆中國科協“青年人才托舉工程”(2023-2025)。主要研究方向為能源替代、能源技術經濟評價。講授《低碳能源與政策》英文課程。在Energy EconomicsRenewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsEnergy PolicyJournal of Environmental Management等期刊上發表論文40余篇,入選ESI高被引論文3篇。主持國家重點研發計劃專題、國家自然科學基金青年項目、北京市社科基金項目、中國博士后科學基金項目。







2012/09–2017/06 中國石油大學(北京),經濟與偉德國際1946bv官網,管理科學與工程,博士

2015/08–2017/02 美國德州大學阿靈頓分校,能源系統研究中心,聯合培養博士


2020/06-至今  偉德國際1946bv官網,偉德國際1946bv官網,助理教授(特別副研究員)

2017/07-2020/05 偉德國際1946bv官網,管理與經濟學院,博士后


[1] Li H, Mu WY, Chen TQ, Wu JW*. 2024. A social network perspective on household cooking fuel transition: Evidence from China. Energy Economics,131,107314.

[2] Li H, Li Y, Zheng GL, Zhou Y. 2024. Interaction between household energy consumption and health: A systematic review. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,189,113859.

[3] Wu JW, Qi YY, Guan XY, Wu XM, Li H*. 2024. Farmers' Attitudes and Adoption Preferences toward Household Solar Photovoltaics: A Survey from Guangdong Province in China, Renewable Energy, 225, 120239.

[4] Li H, Li Y, Zhang LY, Zhou Y*. 2023. On the evaluation of the “coal-to-gas” project in China: a life cycle cost analysis. Energy for Sustainable Development,73, 116-125.

[5] Li H, Zhang RN, Zhang LY, Qin Y, Liao H. 2023. Energy production revolution in China during 2015–2019: progress and challenges. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 21(1), 85-109.

[6] Zhang RN, Ai XN, Li H*. 2023. How to design subsidy policies for clean energy projects? A study on “coal-to-gas” project in China. Resources Policy, 85, 103928.

[7] Chen TQ, Zhang Y, Jiang CL, Li H*. 2023. How does energy efficiency affect employment? Evidence from Chinese cities. Energy, 280, 128071.

[8] Li H*, Ai XN, Wang LL*, Zhang RN. 2022. Substitution analysis of cooking energy: To use gas or electricity? Journal of Environmental Management,103,114135.

[9] Li H*, Zhang RN, Ai XN. 2022. Cost estimation of “coal to gas” project: Government and residents’ perspectives. Energy Policy, 167, 113077.

[10] Li H, Zhang LY, Chen TQ, Liao H*. 2022. Environmental and health impacts of heating fuel transition: evidence from northern China. Energy and Buildings, 276, 112483.

[11] Li H, Zhao J, Zhang RN, Hou BD*. 2022. The natural gas consumption and mortality nexus: A mediation analysis. Energy, 1248, 1123577.

[12] Yang TR, Li H*, Zhang LY, Chen TQ. 2022. The impact of city gas on income inequality in China: A regional heterogeneity analysis. Energy Policy. 169, 113203.

[13] Zhang LY, Li H*, Chen TQ, Liao H. 2022. Health impact of cooking fuel transition: A dynamic perspective. Energy, 251,123907.

[14] Li H, Shahbaz M, Jiang HD, Dong KY*. 2021. Is natural gas consumption mitigating air pollution? Fresh evidence from national and regional analysis in China. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 325-336.

[15] Li H, Dong XC, Jiang QZ, Dong KY*.2021. Policy analysis for high-speed rail in China: Evolution, evaluation, and expectation. Transport Policy, 27, 325-336.

[16] Hou BD, Zhang LY, Ai XN, Li H*. 2021. Impact of city gas on mortality in China: National and regional estimates. Energy Policy, 156, 112448.

[17] Zhang LY, Li H*, Lee WJ, Liao H*.2021. COVID-19 and energy: Influence mechanisms and research methodologies. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 325-336.

[18] Zhang RN, Li H*, Chen TQ, Hou BD. 2021. How does natural gas consumption affect human health? Evidence from China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 320, 128795.

[19]李慧,李威龍,胡一鳴,張睿寧,李玥,常耀尹. 2024年成品油價格分析與趨勢預測[J]. 2024. 偉德國際1946bv官網學報(社會科學版), 26(2), 59-67.

[20] 張睿寧,李慧.中國-東盟能源合作的機遇、挑戰與對策建議[J].中國能源, 2022, 44(11):77-86.


[1] 國家重點研發計劃專題:生物能源煉制環境及社會經濟影響評價,2023–2026,在研

[2] 北京市社會科學基金,“雙碳”目標下北京能源替代影響及路徑規劃研究,2024,在研

[3] 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:居民部門“煤改氣”成本效益評價方法及政策研究,2019-2021,結題

[4] 中國博士后科學基金面上項目:氣電價格和補貼政策不確定下天然氣井口發電投資決策,2018-2019,結題