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【明理講堂2021年第11期】美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校大學Dan Zhang教授應邀來訪

2021年1月18日,【明理講堂2021年第11期】有幸邀請到美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校大學Dan Zhang教授為大家帶來題為“Recent Results on Approximate Linear Programming for Network Revenue Management”的學術報告,報告采用騰訊會議在線直播的形式。管理與經濟學院部分領導、教師、碩博研究生等多名師生參加了本次講座,主持人為管理與經濟學院技術經濟及戰略管理系李果教授。

Dan Zhang教授在報告中指出,基于線性規劃的近似動態規劃在最近的文獻中受到了廣泛的關注。在這種方法中,高維動態規劃近似地作為大規模線性規劃來求解,以解決維數災難問題。線性規劃公式被稱為近似線性規劃(ALPs),通常有大量的決策變量和約束。因此,該方法的一個主要挑戰在于有效解決阿爾卑斯山問題。基于此,Dan Zhang教授講解了網絡收益管理近似線性規劃的最新結果以及在網絡收入管理問題上的應用。此外,Dan Zhang教授指出了未來的研究方向和其他商業問題的應用,大家深受啟發。

報告結束后,Dan Zhang教授和參會師生展開了熱烈的討論和交流,報告反響熱烈,受到了廣大師生的一致好評!

附:Dan Zhang教授簡介

Dan Zhang is Professor of Operations Management at Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder. Dr. Zhang’s primary research interest is revenue management and approximate dynamic programming. He frequently speaks at conferences, companies, and academic institutions, and consults in his area of expertise. Between 2017 and 2018, he is the chair of INFORMS Pricing and Revenue Management Section, an international society of pricing and revenue management researchers and professionals. He was the Department Editor for the Revenue Management and Pricing Area at the journal Decision Sciences between 2017 and 2018 and a Senior Editor for the journal Production and Operations Management between 2014 and 2018. He is currently Department Editor of Revenue Management Area at Production and Operations Management, an Associate Editor at both INFORMS Journal on Computing and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Dr. Zhang teaches operations management, statistics, and data analytics courses at all levels. He also offered PhD level courses on Operations Management Research and Approximate Dynamic Programming at several universities. Together with two colleagues, he has been offering a five-course specialization on Data Analytics for Business since September 2016 on the MOOC platform Coursera, which has enrolled over 130,000 students worldwide. Dr. Zhang held visiting appointments at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan and College of Business, City University of Hong Kong. He is a Changjiang Chaired Professor awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education.