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2021年1月22日, 明理講堂2021年第13期有幸邀請到麥吉爾大學祁煒助理教授帶來題為“地攤經濟:基于可移動性和精準布局的車輪上的零售”的學術報告。報告采用騰訊會議的形式。管理與經濟學院教師、研究生以及校外研究學者等80多名師生參加了本次講座,主持人為管理與經濟學院管理工程系張玉利副教授。



Wei Qi (祁煒) is an assistant professor in Operations Management at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. He is also a faculty advisor of the China’s Energy Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His work has contributed to smart city operations concerning urban energy,mobility and retail logistics.He is leading multiple internationally funded research projects, such as Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FRQSC) - National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Research Program on Smart Cities and Big Data. His research has been published in Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. His cross-disciplinary research has also appeared in the first-tier systems engineering journals such as IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Transactions on Smart Gird. Wei earned a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, an M.S. from UCLA and a B.E. from Zhejiang University, China.