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【明理講堂2021年第8期】清華大學鐘海旺副教授: Tracking and Analyzing the Short-Run Impact of COVID-19 on the U.S. Electricity Sector


騰訊會議號:483 378 944

報告人:清華大學 鐘海旺 副教授


鐘海旺,清華大學副教授,博士生導師,IEEE高級會員,入選第三屆中國科協青年人才托舉工程。研究方向為智能電網優化運行、電力市場等。發表/錄用SCI論文60余篇,其中Nature Communications論文2篇,Cell旗下Joule期刊論文1篇。主持國家自然科學基金2項、北京市自然科學基金1項;承擔國家863項目、國家科技支撐計劃項目、國家重點研發計劃項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目、NSFC-智能電網聯合基金重點項目各1項。獲德國洪堡基金會等聯合授予的亞太青年科學家獎,獲省部級一等獎2項,中國電力科學技術一等獎1項,中國專利優秀獎1項,獲評中國能源研究會優秀青年能源科技工作者獎,獲2020年IEEE PES General Meeting的Best of the Best最佳論文獎。擔任IEEE PES需求響應工作組主席,國際大電網會議CIGRE D2.53電力物聯網工作組秘書。擔任SCI國際期刊International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems和Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy編委,CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems青年編委,《電力系統保護與控制》青年專家學術委員會委員。


The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has rapidly spread around the globe in 2020, with the US becoming the epicenter of COVID-19 cases since late March. Substantial changes in the operations of bulk power systems and electricity markets are observed, and it is imperative for policymakers and power system operators to take a scientific approach to understanding and predicting these potential impacts. With this purpose, this study releases a cross-domain open-access data hub, integrating data from all existing US wholesale electricity markets with COVID-19 case, weather, mobile device location, and satellite imaging data. We then develop a data-driven analysis to substantiate the pandemic’s impacts from the perspectives of power system security, electric power generation, electric power demand, and electricity prices. Our results suggest that both electric power demand and electricity prices have discernibly dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic. Geographically diverse impacts are observed and quantified, while the bulk power systems and markets in the northeast region are most severely affected. In addition, leveraging cross-domain insights from public health and mobility data, we rigorously show that the significant reduction in electric power demand is strongly correlated with the number of COVID-19 cases, degree of social distancing, and level of commercial activity.
