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【明理講堂2021年第29期】5-21北京工業大學彭銳校聘教授:A two-dimensional maintenance optimization framework balancing hazard risk and energy consumption rates


騰訊會議號:911 987 113

報告人:北京工業大學 彭銳 校聘教授


彭銳:博士,北京工業大學經濟與偉德國際1946bv官網校聘教授,博士生導師。2007年7月畢業于中國科學技術大學少年班,獲學士學位;2011年10月畢業于新加坡國立大學,獲得博士學位。2012年1月進入北京科技大學東凌經濟偉德國際1946bv官網,2014年7月破格晉升為副教授, 2018年11月加入北京工業大學經濟與偉德國際1946bv官網,2020年1月評上博士生導師。主要研究領域為能源系統風險評估與政策優化。已發表100多篇SCI期刊論文,5本專著,主持或參與8項國家自然科學基金或國家重點研發計劃,并主持北京市科技新星項目。Reliability Engineering & System Safety的編委,IEEE senior member,中國現場統計學會可靠性分會副秘書長,中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會工業工程分會常務理事,中國運籌學會可靠性分會常務理事,中國指揮與控制學會可靠性專委會常務理事。2018至2021連續四年入選Elsevier中國高被引學者。


Numerous power assets, such as power cables and refrigerator, have inevitably confronted with severe energy consumption problems. An essential topic in maintenance engineering of such assets is to balance energy consumption mitigation and malfunction risk control, such that to reduce production/delivery losses. This paper established a novel proactive maintenance framework, which arranges two dimensions of control limits to control maintenance frequencies: (a) operational age and (b) consumption severity to guide repair and spare part replacement. The energy consumption process is structured by a Semi-Markov chain. The asset is preventively replaced upon a certain operational age, or when the unit time energy consumption reaches a pre-specified threshold, given that the time to scheduled age-based replacement is greater than a threshold. The maintenance optimization model is formulated, followed by an in-depth exploration of its analytical structures. The superior performance of the proposed framework over conventional maintenance policies is demonstrated by a numerical experiment on high-voltage power cables.
