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【明理講堂2023年第14期】4-11北京大學光華偉德國際1946bv官網翁翕教授:Hybrid Contracts, Multitasking, and Incentives: Theory and Evidence from China's Air Pollution Controls





This paper examines how local Chinese officials respond to hybrid contracts (i.e., minimum air pollution control targets together with high-powered promotion incentives for economic growth), and make trade-offs between economic development and environmental protection. Using a novel prefecture-day level dataset on air quality and applying a regression discontinuity design, we find strong evidence that air quality tends to improve when the air quality target is doomed to fail, but deteriorates significantly after the early fulfillment of the target is guaranteed. These responses are mainly driven by ``outsiders'' – local officials who had no previous working experience in the locality and probably valued the local environment less. We also find evidence that for those cities facing a higher pressure of local economic development, the improvement in air quality performance after doomed failure will be weakened while the deterioration in air quality performance after early fulfillment will be more severe. We build a simple theoretical model to rationalize these key findings. Our study sheds light on how minimum air quality targets have functioned in China’s context and highlights the role of minimum performance targets in balancing efforts at environmental protection and economic development.


翁翕,現為北京大學光華偉德國際1946bv官網應用經濟系長聘教授,教育部青年長江學者,國家自然科學基金委杰出青年科學基金獲得者,中國信息經濟學會副理事長,北京大學經管學部學術委員會委員。他的主要研究領域為博弈論,信息經濟學和組織經濟學。他本科、碩士均畢業于北京大學,博士畢業于美國賓夕法尼亞大學。他的研究成果發表于國外頂級學術期刊,如Journal of Finance,Management Science,Economic Journal,American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,Journal of Economic History,Journal of Economic Theory,International Economic Review,Rand Journal of Economics。他主持或參與國家自然科學基金、北京市社科基金、發改委、市場監管總局、中國科協等課題十余項。翁博士在科研方面曾獲獎項有:2022張培剛發展經濟學青年學者獎,2020第八屆高校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社會科學)青年成果獎,2019中國信息經濟學優秀成果獎,2019厲以寧科研獎,2017中國信息經濟學青年創新獎,2017第十三屆北京大學人文社會科學研究優秀成果一等獎,2016中國信息經濟學烏家培獎。
