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【明理講堂2021年第52期】10-29北京師范大學郝穎教授: Air pollution and CEO Cross-Regional Turnover: Evidence from Leaving and Arriving


地點:騰訊會議269 404 430

報告人:北京師范大學 郝穎 教授



作為項目負責人,郝穎教授主持了國家自然科學基金3項,教育部人文社科基金1項。近年來,作為第一作者,在《Review of Accounting Studies》 、《Financial Management》 、《Pacific Basin Finance Journal》 、《International Review of Financial Analysis 》、《經濟研究》、《管理世界》、《管理科學學報》、《南開管理評論》、《金融研究》、《會計研究》、《財經研究》、《中國管理科學》等國內外重要學術刊物發表論文四十余篇。獲第八屆高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社科)。


Abstract:We examine whether air pollution surrounding the corporate headquarters matters for CEO turnover. We presume that CEOs tend to have higher quality of life requirements and are more sensitive to air pollution. Empirically, we find CEOs exposed to air pollution are more likely to depart and relocate to areas with better air quality. Moreover, we find evidence suggesting that outside successors who come from less polluted areas have a higher probability to get a promotion incentive in addition to higher compensation. Additionally, these results are more pronounced when CEOs come from relatively less polluted overseas regions and for firms that pay lower compensation to their CEOs, are located in a region with a high degree of economic development, and operate in highly competitive industries.

Keywords: air pollution; CEO turnover; executive compensation
