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【明理講堂2021年第78期】12-31北京大學宋潔教授:Perishable Resource Allocation with Online Contextual Learning




主講人簡介:宋潔,北京大學工學院副院長,工業工程與管理系博士生導師,教育部 “長江學者獎勵計劃”特聘教授。2004年本科畢業于北京大學數學科學學院應用數學專業,2010年于清華大學工業工程系獲得管理科學與工程博士學位。曾在美國佐治亞理工、威斯康辛麥迪遜大學、哥倫比亞大學進行博士后與訪問學者研究。

研究方向是隨機優化建模和算法設計,及其應用于以醫療服務,能源管理和國家戰略儲備等復雜服務系統的資源優化配置與運營管理研究。擔任IEEE Automation Science and Engineering等三份國際SCI期刊編委,以及IEEE RAS 國際醫療自動會管理委員會主席。榮獲2013年IEEE機器人與自動化協會最佳論文獎。2020年IEEE TASE期刊年度最佳論文獎。2021年工業和系統工程師協會會刊IISE Transactions最佳論文Honorable Mention北京大學2016年,2017年教學優秀獎

報告內容簡介:We formulate a novel class of online matching problems with learning. In these problems, randomly arriving customers must be matched to perishable resources so as to maximize a total expected reward. The matching accounts for variations in rewards among different customer-resource pairings. It also accounts for the perishability of the resources. For concreteness, we focus on healthcare platforms, but our work can be easily extended to other service applications. Our work belongs to the online resource allocation streams in service system. We propose the first online algorithm for contextual learning and resource allocation with perishable resources. Our algorithm explores and exploits in distinct interweaving phases. We prove that our algorithm achieve an expected regret per period of O(K?1/3 ),where K is the number of planning cycles. We propose a pioneer algorithm that helps service system to optimize resource allocation decisions while learns the uncertain reward of matching customer-resource pairings.
