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【明理講堂2021年第45期】9-29北京師范大學蔡子君助理教授: Relative Servant Leadership, Group-Mean Servant Leadership, and OCB: A Social Comparison Perspective



騰訊會議 632 489 128



蔡子君目前就職于北京師范大學經濟與工商偉德國際1946bv官網。他從西澳大利亞大學商學院獲得管理學博士學位,主要研究方向為職業生涯管理和員工主動性,目前開設職業生涯規劃與管理(本科)、績效與薪酬管理(研究生)、國際人力資源管理(本科英文授課)、組織行為學(MBA)課程。他目前已在Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior 等國際期刊上發表文章,是Journal of Vocational Behavior編委會成員,并為 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,Applied Psychology等知名期刊的匿名審稿人。


Prior research on the relationship between servant leadership and subordinates’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has not clarified the effects of individual-level relative servant leadership and group-mean servant leadership. Taking a social comparison perspective, we hypothesize that relative servant leadership is related to OCB via psychological entitlement and leader-member exchange social comparison (LMXSC), and the indirect effects are moderated by group-mean servant leadership. Results from two time-lagged multi-source studies show that relative servant leadership is negatively related to OCB via psychological entitlement, but only when group-mean servant leadership is low; relative servant leadership is also positively related to OCB via LMXSC, and this positive indirect effect is stronger when group-mean servant leadership is low. Theoretical implications for servant leadership theory and related literature are discussed.
