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【明理講堂2023年第35期】5-12香港中文大學(深圳)王子卓教授: Assign-to-Seat: Dynamic Capacity Control for Selling High-Speed Train Tickets

報告題目: Assign-to-Seat: Dynamic Capacity Control for Selling High-Speed Train Tickets




報告人:香港中文大學(深圳)數據科學學院副院長 王子卓 教授


We consider a revenue management problem that arises from the selling of high-speed train tickets in China. Compared with traditional network revenue management problems, the new feature of our problem is the assign-to-seat restriction. That is, each request, if accepted, must be assigned instantly to a single seat throughout the whole journey, and later adjustment is not allowed. When making decisions, the seller needs to track not only the total seat capacity available but also the status of each seat. We build a modified network revenue management model for this problem. First, we study a static problem in which all requests are given. Although the problem is NP-hard in general, we identify conditions for solvability in polynomial time. We then introduce a bid-price control policy based on a novel maximal sequence principle. This policy accommodates nonlinearity in bid prices and, as a result, yields a more accurate approximation of the value function than a traditional bid-price control policy does. Finally, we combine a dynamic view of the maximal sequence with the static solution of a primal problem to propose a "re-solving a dynamic primal" policy that can achieve uniformly bounded revenue loss under mild assumptions. Numerical experiments using both synthetic and real data document the advantage of the policies we propose for improving the efficiency of capacity allocation.



王子卓教授的主要研究方向為運籌學及機器學習的應用。他在運籌學和管理科學國際頂尖雜志上發表過超過50篇文章,并擔任Management Science,Operations Research,M&SOM, POMS等頂級管理科學雜志編委。王子卓教授曾經或正在主持包括來自中國國家自然科學基金、美國國家自然基金等多項研究項目,總金額超千萬元人民幣。

