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6-22 弗吉尼亞理工大學樊衛國教授學術講座:Online Review Volume, Customer Agility and Product Performance: An Empirical Big Data Study in the Mobile App Industry

題目:Online Review Volume, Customer Agility and Product Performance: An Empirical Big Data Study in the Mobile App Industry

主講人:樊衛國 教授 (弗吉尼亞理工大學)




    任Management Science(MS),Management Information System Quarterly (MISQ),IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEC),IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)等期刊審稿人。任IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries成員,任MISQ, Information and Management, Journal of Database Management編委會成員, 任近20個國際會議評審委員。

    近年來,主講人一直在美國弗吉尼亞理工大學致力于社會計算、大數據及文本挖掘在商業領域的應用,商務智能與大數據的研究與開發, 社交媒體數據分析及用戶行為, 智慧健康等問題的研究, 并取得了豐碩且具有創新性和影響力的成果。其研究成果已應用到金融,營銷,互聯網金融,眾包,運營管理,互聯網技術,信息管理,智慧健康等重要領域。

    主要的成果:(1)將文本挖掘與分析技術應用到社交媒體與用戶產生的內容進行產品缺陷的識別與質量監控。該研究被美國紐約時報強力報道。現正在商業化。(2)首次將文本挖掘技術應用到美國上市公司財務報表欺詐舞弊風險的預測。該技術有非常高的商業前景,已經商業化。(3)全球第一個致力于社交網絡服務公司戰略競爭行為的實證研究。(4)首次在信息管理領域利用文本挖掘技術自動對網上論壇用戶的討論有用性進行打分。(5) 較早研究用戶在網上知識社區里的信息共享行為及信息傳播特征。(6) 全球首次將遺傳規劃應用到搜索引擎排序函數的優化, 并成功將該技術拓展應用到圖像檢索與查找領域. (7) 首次提出研究學者合作能力指數C-index, 能準確的對學者的合作能力進行測量, 定位。(8)利用深度學習技術做癌癥檢測智能診斷系統。腦癌檢測已達到國際先進水平。

    發表論文170 余篇. 其中有國際影響力的期刊論文60 余篇。近五年谷歌學者引用次數超過2108 次. H-index = 39。全球谷歌學者引用排名商務數據分析第14, 商務智能排名第 8, 文本挖掘排名第44, 社會計算第50。


    This study examines product development based on online customer reviews. We develop a tension perspective to reconcile contradictories in prior literature and investigate relationships among review volume, product performance, and customer agility, which describes the effectiveness of a developer’s response to customers’ demands. We argue that because demands embedded in large-volume reviews are valuable but difficult to respond, review volume has a curvilinear relationship with customer agility. This relationship is moderated by the developer’s number of sibling products and the variance of product ratings. Furthermore, because making effective responses to demands simultaneously raises customers’ willingness to purchase and product development costs, customer agility has a curvilinear relationship with product performance. We test our model using a large mobile app dataset consisted of three million online reviews and find support for our hypotheses. Our findings of the curvilinear relationships and moderators provide nuanced explanations on how online reviews facilitate product development.

