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7-7 美國東卡羅來納大學梁會剛教授學術講座:Unraveling the Alignment Paradox: How Does Business-IT Alignment Shape Organizational Agility?

題目:Unraveling the Alignment Paradox: How Does Business-IT Alignment Shape Organizational Agility?

主講人:梁會剛 教授(美國東卡羅來納大學)




    梁會剛,美國東卡羅來納大學(East Carolina University)商學院管理信息系統系終身教授,醫療管理系統研究中心主任,2012年受聘為商學院唯一的杰出教授(Endowed Chair)。目前擔任國際期刊MIS Quarterly、Information & Management的副主編(Associate Editor)以及國際信息系統協會會刊Journal of AIS編委(Editorial Board Member),同時擔任多個國際會議(如PACIS、ICIS等)的Track Chair或副編輯10余次。近5年在MIS Quarterly、Information System Research、Journal of Management Information System、Journal of AIS, Decision Support Systems等國際頂尖信息系統學術期刊發表論文近30余篇,包括四篇MIS Quarterly、兩篇ISR、一篇JMIS以及兩篇JAIS,另有高水平國際會議論文20余篇。其著作被廣泛引用,據Google Scholar統計,引用次數已超過1800次,單篇文章最高引用達到600次。曾獲獎勵包括Emerald Management Review Citations of Excellence Top 50 Papers;論文多次被錄入AOM最佳論文集。根據國際信息系統協會(AIS)公布的排名,2007-2011年在信息系統領域頂尖期刊發表論文數量,在全球學者中名列第16位。作為國際知名的信息系統研究專家,梁會剛教授迄今已在美國主持或參與多項科研項目,經費總額約240萬美元。


    Contradictory views regarding whether Business-IT Alignment enhances or reduces organizational agility exist and no consensus has been achieved. To disentangle this puzzle, this study takes both the intellectual and social dimensions of IT alignment into account and investigates how they influence agility in opposite directions through distinct mechanisms. Based on survey data from 429 dyads of business and IT executives, we uncover that intellectual alignment impedes agility by increasing organizational inertia while social alignment facilitates agility by enhancing emergent business-IT coordination. We also find that social alignment weakens the effect of intellectual alignment on organizational inertia. This paper fills a gap in the Information Systems literature by providing a theory-driven explanation of the alignment paradox, which makes a significant contribution to both IS research and practice.

