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12-7美國科爾蓋特大學 Isidor Wallimann教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題目:The Bologna Reform in European Higher Education: Basic Premises and Critical Assessments
主講人:Prof. Dr. Isidor Wallimann Colgate University, USA
時間:2011年12月7日 下午 2:00-3:30


    Professor Isidor Wallimann holds an MA in economics and agriculture from Kansas State and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Syracuse University. He recently retired from his positions at the University of Applied Sciences Northwest Switzerland and from the University of Freiburg in Switzerland. He has published numerous books in English and German, such as ESTRANGEMENT: MARX’S CONCEPTION OF HUMAN NATURE AND THE DIVISION OF LABOR; GENOCIDE AND THE MODERN AGE (translated into Korean) and ON THE EDGE OF SCARCITY (translated into German). His forthcoming book is entitled ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IS SOCIAL POLICY – SOCIAL POLICY IS ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY. As a visiting professor, he has been invited to universities in the United States, China, and Taiwan. He has lectured worldwide and served the Swiss National Science Foundation as an expert in social policy research programs.


    European Higher Education is undergoing a tremendous change. The Bologna Reform intends to harmonize the entire European educational space. This has given rise to much discussion, criticism and opposition along various dimensions: quality of higher education, privatization and globalization of education, proletarianization of professors, education versus training, instrumentalization of universities by employers and labor markets, academic freedom in teaching and research, etc. Professor Wallimann will discuss both the basic premises of the Bologna Reform and ongoing debates and resistance patterns. The presentation is based on an article published in the book BACHELOR BOLOGNESE, Budrich 2009.
