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12-19 美國德州大學圣安東尼奧分校連大祥教授學術講座:Cognitive Bias and Public Policy

題目:Cognitive Bias and Public Policy

主講人:連大祥 教授(美國德州大學圣安東尼奧分校)

時間:2017年12月19日晚 18:30-20:55



        連大祥,加州理工學院經濟學博士,美國德州大學圣安東尼奧分校商學院教授,前校長助理、東亞研究中心主任、美國劉氏基金項目負責人、劉尚儉杰出首席商學教授,在新加坡國立大學、南洋理工大學、清華大學、加拿大維多利亞大學、英國里丁大學及密蘇里大學堪薩斯城分校等擔任訪問教授或講座教授。在國際經濟、金融類頂級期刊Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Economics主要期刊上發表論文300余篇,根據澳洲SIRCA的統計資料,以2001-2005在19個主要的國際金融期刊發表文章的加權數計算,連大祥教授排名世界第一。連大祥教授現擔任國際主流金融學期刊International Review of Financial Analysis,Research in International Business and Finance,Emerging Markets Trade and Finance副主編,同時擔任International Review of Economics and Finance等10余本國際知名金融類期刊編委。


        The notion of cognitive biases was introduced by Daniel Kahneman in 1972. The study explained human differences in judgment and decision making in thinking fast or thinking slow, experiencing self or remembering self and so on. A Frederick Puzzle was put forward, for example, a bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total, and the bat costs $1 more than the ball, then how much does the ball cost? Frederick found that many intelligent people yield to this immediate impulse 50% (47/93) of Princeton students, and 56% (164/293) of students at the University of Michigan gave the wrong answer. In addition, the case of Mary has given a description of "Mary" that suggested Mary was quiet, studious and concerned with social issues. She majored in English literature and environmental studies at college. Given this information, indicate (a) Mary is a librarian, (b) Mary is a librarian and a member of the Sierra Club, (c) Mary works in the banking industry. Nofsinger (2008) reported that more than half of his subjects typically answer (b), a quarter to a third choose (a), and the remainder select (c). From the previous study, it can be speculated that any aspect of the choice architecture alters people’s behavior in a predictable way without forbidding any options or significantly changing their economic incentives. Nudge is not mandate, and it is easy and cheap to avoid the intervention. Therefore, people may most need a good nudge for choices that have delayed effects for those that are difficult, infrequent, and often poor feedback, and those for which the relation between choice and experience is ambiguous. Moreover, Biases can be distinguished on a number of dimensions such as status quo bias, availability bias, representativeness, loss aversion, overconfidence, self-control and follow the herds, etc. Overall, this lecture introduce the relationship between cognitive bias and public policy.
