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12-27University of Alabama at Birmingham盛仕斌副教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Constraining Opportunism in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: The Role of Micro and Macro Institutions
主講人:盛仕斌副教授 University of Alabama at Birmingham
時 間:2011年12月27日 下午16:00-17:30
地 點:主樓418會議室


    盛仕斌,男,1996年畢業于清華大學,獲工程學士學位和經濟學碩士學位后留學美國,于2004年在Virginia Tech獲博士學位。2004-2010年在Adelphi University任市場營銷助理教授,2010-2011年任副教授,2011年8月起任University of Alabama at Birmingham 商學院市場營銷副教授。近年來在Marketing Letters, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management等期刊發表論文20余篇,先后擔任Journal of Business, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management等期刊審稿人。


    Using the transaction cost economics framework, the extant literature in the marketing channels has widely studied opportunism in the buyer-supplier relationship. However, this perspective has generally ignored the institutional environment constraining the buyer-supplier relationship, which is the fundamental determinant of transaction costs of market exchanges. In this study, we articulate the institutional environment in which the buyer-supplier relationship is embedded by identifying four institutions along with two dimensions: informal vs. formal and micro vs. macro. Empirical results from 445 matched Chinese buyer-supplier dyads reveal that the institutional forces not only directly mitigate the channel members' opportunism but also attenuate the positive effects of exchange hazards on opportunism. This study offers important implications for public policy and managerial practice.
