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3-21 上海交通大學安泰經濟與偉德國際1946bv官網萬國華教授學術講座:Financing a Startup Retailer with Marketing Efforts

題目: Financing a Startup Retailer with Marketing Efforts





    萬國華現任上海交通大學特聘教授,安泰經濟與偉德國際1946bv官網副院長,此前他在香港科技大學、澳門大學和紐約大學從事科研和教學工作。他在華中理工大學、上海交通大學和香港科技大學分別獲得學士、碩士和博士學位。主要研究興趣是供應鏈管理、服務運作管理,以及信息系統及管理,研究成果發表于Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing和Mathematics of Operations Research等學術刊物,現任Production and Operations Management雜志的Senior Editor。


    Financing a startup firm is always challenging, especially when the market is highly uncertain. In this talk, we study the problem from supply chain perspective and consider the supply chain with one supplier and one retailer (a startup), where the retailer sells to an uncertain market. The retailer is capital-constrained, and may need to either use bank loans or trade credits for both procurement and marketing, or use trade credits for procurement and bank loans for marketing. We study how the retailer should make the operational and financial decisions jointly, and how the retailer’s operational decision is influenced by the financial channel. Furthermore, given that a larger market share is desirable for the supplier, we study whether the supplier is willing to provide trade credits for the retailer’s procurement, and/or whether to lend cash to the retailer to fund the marketing effort.

