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3-31史瑞霞副教授講座:Store Brand and Channel Power

  題目:Store Brand and Channel Power

  主講人:史瑞霞 副教授、博士




  史瑞霞博士2009年畢業于德克薩斯大學達拉斯分校,現為圣地亞哥大學運營管理副教授。史博士已發表國際期刊和國際會議論文16篇,均為SCI、SSCI檢索。其中包括5篇UT Dallas 24頂級期刊(POM),2篇控制類頂級期刊 (SIAM和Automatica)。截止2018年3月,其發表的13篇期刊論文共計被引用202次。史博士是POM雜志的編委會成員(2011至今),擔任過POM (2011, 2018)年會的track chair,INFORMS (2007,2015)年會的invited session chair。史博士曾就職于飛利浦, 萬特等跨國公司,具有豐富的供應鏈管理實際經驗。


  In this paper, we examine the implications of channel power shift on store brand introduction decisions. Our analysis shows that, contrary to our intuition, the store brand becomes less appealing to the retailer as power shifts from a manufacturer to a retailer. As the retailer becomes more powerful vis-a-vis the manufacturer, the quality threshold for the store brand to be introduced becomes higher. Further, as more channel power shifts from the manufacturer to the retailer, the store brand market share and the value of store brand to the retailer decrease. The results of our empirical analysis, based on a six-year panel data from 31 product categories sold by 107 retailers, are consistent with the key predictions from our analytical model.Our results offers a new explanation for the differences in retailers' store brand strategies and shifts in these strategies over time. Our results also add to the discussion of antitrust regulations regarding retail merges by presenting a new adverse effect of retail concentration.
