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5-16米志付博士講座:China’s “exported carbon” peak: patterns, drivers and implications

  題目:China’s “exported carbon” peak: patterns, drivers and implications







  Over the past decade, China has entered a ‘new normal’ phase in economic development, with its role in global trade flows changing significantly. This study estimates the driving forces of Chinese export-embodied carbon emissions in the new normal phase, based on environmentally extended multiregional input-output (MRIO) model and structural decomposition analysis (SDA). We find that Chinese export-embodied CO2 emissions peaked in 2008 at a level of 1,657 million tonnes. The subsequent decline in CO2 emissions was mainly due to the changing structure of Chinese production. The peak in Chinese export-embodied emissions is encouraging from the perspective of global climate change mitigation, as it implies downward pressure on global CO2 emissions. However, more attention should focus on ensuring that countries that may partly replace China as major production bases increase their exports using low-carbon inputs.



  米志付博士,英國倫敦大學學院巴特萊特建設與項目偉德國際1946bv官網終身研究員,SCI期刊Journal of Cleaner Production (影響因子5.715)副主編。山東大學數學學院學士,偉德國際1946bv官網管理與經濟學院博士,英國東安格利亞大學國際發展學院博士后。研究方向為氣候變化經濟學、能源政策和投入產出分析。近五年在Science Advances、Nature Communications等期刊發表SCI/SSCI論文20余篇,其中ESI熱點論文3篇,ESI高被引論文6篇。榮獲中國經濟學優秀博士論文獎,Applied Energy高被引原創論文獎,Environmental Research Letters 最佳青年學者論文獎。曾受牛津大學出版社邀請撰寫氣候變化綜合評估模型的綜述文章。多次受邀參加聯合國會議(聯合國可持續發展大會,巴西,2012;聯合國氣候變化談判大會,秘魯,2014;聯合國氣候變化談判大會,摩洛哥,2016)。此外,還擔任Applied Energy (SCI),Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (SCI),Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SSCI)等期刊客座編輯。