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5-24任菲副教授講座:Social Media Engagement and Performance of E-Tailers: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis

  題目: Social Media Engagement and Performance of E-Tailers: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis


  時   間:2018.05.24(周四)上午10點

  地   點:主樓317



  任菲,現任北京大學光華偉德國際1946bv官網管理科學與信息系統系副教授,首批“光華研究學者”獲得者。她于美國加州大學爾灣分校獲得管理學(信息系統方向)博士學位。之前畢業于北京大學,獲計算機軟件學士及金融學碩士學位。任菲的研究興趣圍繞信息技術對個人、企業、及社會產生的影響與作用機制。具體包括信息系統投資績效及商業價值、社會化媒體的效果與機制、用戶在線行為。她的研究得到國家自然科學基金、教育部及光華偉德國際1946bv官網的支持,多個成果發表在國際頂級學術期刊上,如Information Systems Research和Journal of Management Information Systems,并獲得北京大學第十三屆人文社會科學研究優秀成果一等獎。任菲為本科生、MBA及博士生開設多門中英文課程,包括電子商務、商業模擬與領導力反思、社交媒體與數字化競爭、信息系統研究方法。曾獲得教育部來華留學英語授課品牌課程、北京大學北京銀行獎教金及教學獎勵津貼、光華偉德國際1946bv官網課程獎勵。她參與聯合主編的《決策模擬》被評為北京高等教育精品教材。



  While prior literature mainly focuses on the effect of social media marketing on individual consumer behavior, we study the economic value of firm social media marketing at the firm level. Specifically, we quantify the sales effect of firm social media marketing from an integrated social commerce platform, and examine how such effect varies with firm characteristics. By a quasi-experimental design and using Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Difference-in-Differences (DID) methods, we find that firm social media marketing significantly promotes sales at the firm level. Specifically, firms selling low-involvement products benefit more (with a sales elasticity of 27.89%) from social media marketing efforts, compared to those selling high-involvement products (a sales elasticity of 19.84%). Meanwhile, the sales effect of firm social media marketing increases over time. We also find that firm social media marketing with more followers and more blogpostings enhances firm sales more. Our results hold for various robustness checks, and we apply control function model to remove potential hidden bias in the matching process. Overall, our findings suggest that social media marketing plays an important role in firm marketing activities, and firms need suitable strategy to gain from their social media marketing efforts.

