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9-20德國哥廷根大學農業經濟與農村發展系講席教授于曉華:Memory, Food Consumption Behavior and Obesity

  報告題目:: Memory, Food Consumption Behavior and Obesity




  內容簡介: Introducing the concept of memory utility, we explore the effect of memory capacity on overweight and weight control by building a theoretical model and conducting related empirical research with a double-hurdle model. The result shows that better memory capacity can lead to higher probability of overweight due to higher discount rate and more food consumption, while it helps the overweight individuals to lose weight due to memory disutility from obesity. The different effects of memory result from the balance of memory utility from food consumption and memory disutility from obesity.

  主講人簡介 于曉華博士現為德國哥廷根大學農業經濟與農村發展系和庫郎貧困、平等與增長研究中心發展和新興國家農業經濟學講席教授。2001年獲中國人民大學經濟學學士學位;2005年獲日本京都大學生物資源經濟學碩士學位;2009年畢業于美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學,獲農業、環境以及區域經濟學和人口學雙博士學位。2009年4月起任教于德國哥廷根大學,擔任助理教授;2014年起擔任發展和新興國家農業經濟學講席教授。主要研究領域為農業經濟學、發展經濟學、行為經濟學,環境經濟學和應用計量經濟學。同時兼任Agricultural Economics副主編,Italian Review of Agricultural Economics、Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Journal of Integrative Agriculture編輯委員會成員,China Agricultural Economic Review主編顧問委員會委員。
