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10-18 美國馬里蘭洛約拉大學趙廣志副教授講座:Help Self Stand Out or Help Others Out: Effectiveness of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals in Charity Advertising

  報告題目: Help Self Stand Out or Help Others Out: Effectiveness of Help-Self and Help-Others Appeals in Charity Advertising

  主講人: 趙廣志副教授 (美國馬里蘭洛約拉大學)

  時   間:10月18日(星期四)上午10:00-11:30

  地   點:主樓418

  主講人簡介:Dr. Guangzhi Zhao is Associate Professor of Marketing in the Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., School of Business and Management at Loyola University Maryland. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine and his Master degree in Economics from the Sun Yat-sen University, China. Dr. Zhao has taught Ph.D. seminars, graduate (MBA, EMBA, Par-time MBA) classes, and undergraduate courses including Marketing Management, Marketing Principles, Promotion Strategies, Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior, etc. His research focuses on consumer behavior, advertising, promotion, and social marketing. Dr. Zhao’s research has been published in several top marketing journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, and others.

  內容簡介:Help-self and help-others are two popular appeals in charity advertising. This research examines how the helping consequences (benefit vs. cost) highlighted in volunteerism ads moderate the relative persuasiveness of these two appeals. Help-self appeals are found to be more persuasive than help-others appeals when an ad highlights how volunteering may help oneself attain various benefits; whereas help-others appeals are found to be more effective than help-self appeals when the ad highlights how volunteering may help other people by reducing their miseries (i.e., costs). The rationale is that exposure to the two appeals can activate contrasting reference point of information processing (self vs. others), which can subsequently alter viewers’ processing and evaluation of different helping consequences.

