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11-1浙江大學公共偉德國際1946bv官網龔斌磊研究員學術報告:Agricultural reforms and production in China

報告題目:Agricultural reforms and production in China





A series of fundamental and market-oriented reforms since 1978 have dramatically reshaped China's agricultural sector, which had been sluggish during the socialist period. Besides productivity growth and efficiency changes, the shape of the production function may also transform rapidly over time. Moreover, the four segments in agriculture (farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fisheries) have different production processes and techniques, so the aggregated production function of agriculture may vary across provinces. Compared with existing studies, which usually assume a fixed production function, this paper allows a varying coefficient production function that can better capture the structure change in the six reform periods over the past four decades. The empirical results show that the labor elasticity is decreasing, the fertilizer and machinery elasticities are increasing, and the land elasticity has a U-shaped curve across time. Moreover, technology and inputs are leading the growth alternatively in different reform periods.

龔斌磊 博士,研究員,博士生導師,浙江大學“百人計劃”入選者,現任教于浙江大學公共偉德國際1946bv官網、浙江大學中國農村發展研究院(CARD)。2006-2016年,曾先后在浙江大學偉德國際1946bv官網、美國密歇根州立大學農經系、美國萊斯大學經濟系和統計系、美國布朗大學經濟系、美國創新扶貧行動組織、威德福國際、美國貝克公共政策研究所等機構學習和工作,期間獲得管理學學士、農業與資源經濟碩士、經濟學碩士、統計學碩士、經濟學博士學位。攻讀博士期間,師從世界著名生產率研究學者Robin Sickles(學術家譜圖(1315年-2016年)),并獲得前美國能源部長、諾獎得主Steven Chu(朱棣文)和諾獎得主Roger Myerson的指導,主要研究生產率模型的理論拓展以及在能源行業的應用。主要研究方向為生產率與經濟增長;產業組織;發展經濟學;農業經濟;能源經濟;勞動經濟。                                              
