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5-14University of Hawaii at Manoa Hong-Mei Chen教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:A Design Framework for Ultra-Large-Scale(ULS) Green Information Systems
主講人:Hong-Mei Chen教授 Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa
時 間:2012年5月14日(周一) 下午2:30
地 點:主樓418會議室
    Dr. Hong-Mei Chen earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Arizona in Tucson. Now she is a Professor of Information Technology Management at the Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her current research interests including ultra large scale green information systems, edge-dominant crowd sourced systems, design science, service engineering, business-IT alignment, social customer relationship management, and business intelligence. She has obtained many large grants and served on various NSF review panels. She is widely published including in journals such as Communications of the ACM (CACM), Journal of MIS (JMIS), IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Electronic Commerce Research, and so on. She serves on journal editorial boards and as a reviewer for over 20 journals, including JMIS, MIS Quarterly, Information System Research, various IEEE transactions and others.
    As environmental sustainability issues have come to the societal and governmental forefront, a new breed of Green Information Systems (IS)—Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) Green IS—is emerging. The Smart Grid is one such example; its goal is to innovate the United States power generation and distribution system. A ULS Green IS is an open socio-technical ecosystem that differs from traditional IS in scale, complexity and urgency to enable environmental sustainability. ULS Green IS design challenges traditional system design methods in its need to deal with conflicting and unknowable requirements, emergent system behaviors, continuous evolution of processes and contexts, changing resources in real time, and a fluid system boundary. Design issues found in ULS systems, System of Systems, Edge-dominant, Metropolis systems and Green IS converge and multiply in the ULS Green IS context. Unfortunately, extant research on these systems is still in its infancy and offers little insight into the “how” for designing ULS Green IS.
