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6-19夏威夷大學Ying Liu博士應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Understanding Price/Value Rating in Online Consumer Review
主講人:Ying Liu博士(Shidler College of Business at University of Hawaii at Manoa)
時 間:2012年6月19日(周二)下午14:30
地 點:主樓418會議室
Ying Liu is currently an assistant professor of Information Technology Management at Shidler College of Business at University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Liu received her PhD in Operations and Information Management from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and her MS in Economics from Peking University in China. Dr. Liu’s research interests are offshore outsourcing of services and consumer’s behavior of online product review. Her research has been published in the Brookings Trade Forum 2005, International Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Electronic Commerce, International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science, International Journal of Information Processing and Management and under revise and resubmit to Information Systems Research. She has served as Associate Editor and reviewer for International Conference on Information Systems and reviewer for Hawaii International Conference on System Science, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Information Systems Research (ISR).
Extant research on online word-of-mouth (WOM) has examined how online WOM influences sales as well as the moderation effects of type of the product, characteristics of reviews as well as reviewers. New insights cannot be generated without more in-depth understandings of consumer’s behavior of creating online WOM. In this paper, we combine traditional marketing model of consumers’ perceived value with the economic model in hedonic pricing to understand the Price/Value ratings in online consumer product review. We use data of consumer product ratings from an online retailer website to test the hypotheses generated from above simultaneous equation systems. The results show that the relationship between product’s price and consumer’s rating of Price/Value of the product is different across different price levels of the product and different market conditions. This heterogeneity in price-Price/Value relationship is also moderated by the brand name and manufacturer’s warranty. Based on above findings of consumer’s behavior of creating online WOM, we discuss the marketing implications for online retailers as well as for consumer welfare.
