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9-3英國曼徹斯特大學Michael Keenan榮譽教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:經合組織—世界銀行創新政策平臺—信息與政策情報的轉變(OECD-World Bank Innovation Policy Platform - turning information into policy intelligence)
主講人:Michael Keenan榮譽教授,政策分析員(英國曼徹斯特大學;經合組織科技產業理事會)
時 間:2012年9月3日 下午3:30
地 點:主樓418會議室
Michael Keenan (BSc. MA PhD) is a policy analyst at the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry and Honorary Research Fellow at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. He has worked in the STI policy field for around 17 years, authoring more than 50 published books, journal papers, and reports; teaching graduate and executive training courses; and consulting governments and international organizations on their foresight activities. He is a member of the advisory boards of the following academic journals: Technological Forecasting and Social Change; Asian Research Policy; Foresight; and ФОРСАЙТ. Dr Keenan’s current work centers on national innovation policies and he presently works on the OECD’s country reviews of innovation policy. He has participated in reviews of Korea, Mexico, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Sweden and SE Asia. He also leads the OECD’s work on the development of its Innovation Policy Platform, a flagship joint-project with the World Bank to establish a web-based knowledge management tool in support of innovation policy-making.
The OECD, together with the World Bank, has recently launched a new flagship project to build an information-sharing web portal to support innovation policy-making. The portal, known as the Innovation Policy Platform, will include briefing notes on state-of-the-art policy instruments, country case studies and country profiles that utilize a wide array of quantitative and qualitative indicators. These will draw upon the extensive information gathered by the OECD on innovation policy and performance, as well as the knowledge and experience gained by OECD member and non-member countries over the last few decades. This information will be accessible through a knowledge management system that encourages policy makers and analysts to make better diagnoses of the innovation problem. The presentation will include a demonstration of some of these elements and will highlight ways that Chinese policy makers and analysts can benefit from and contribute to the Platform.
