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9-18美國Stevens Institute of Technology譚偉平博士應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Readiness Assessment and Advancement for the Development of Complex Systems
主講人:譚偉平博士(Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
時 間:2012 年 9 月18 日 14:30
地 點:主樓六層會議室
Dr. Tan received his B.E. with first class honor in 2006 in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology, M.E. and Ph.D. in Engineering Management from Stevens Institute of Technology in 2009 and 2012, respectively. His research interest covers developing methodologies for the assessment and advancement for complex systems using modeling & simulation and optimization techniques. He was elected to Epsilon Mu Eta – the Engineering Management Honor Society, and was the recipient of the Brian Mar Best Student Paper Award at the 2009 INCOSE International Symposium. Dr. Tan has published papers on several journals including IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and Journal of Systems Engineering, and has been invited to review papers for IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Systems Journal, System Research Forum, Journal of Systems Engineering, and International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics.
Nowadays, many systems are designed and developed to provide multiple functions and capabilities. These systems consist of a number of technologies, and deliver functions and capabilities through the interaction between the constituent technologies. A complex system evolves with time from a simpler system with fewer functions and capabilities to a more complicated one to provide more functions and capabilities. Accordingly, managerial focus on functions and capabilities shifts from one development stage to another. Therefore, assessing, tracking and advancing the maturity of the functions and capabilities have direct influence on realizing these functions and capabilities, and further affect whether or not a satisfactory system can be delivered as planned. This research proposes a methodology for the assessment and advancement of developing complex systems with new metrics and optimization techniques.
