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7-16亞利桑那州立大學助理教授Nina (Ni) Huang:Not Registered? Please Sign-up Now: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Timing of Registration Request



  報告人: Nina (Ni) Huang  Arizona State University


  Online commerce websites often request user to register in the online shopping process. Recognizing the challenges of user registration, many websites opt to delay their registration request until the end of conversion funnel (i.e., ex-post registration request). Grounding on the nudge theory, our study explores an alternative approach by asking users to register with the website at the beginning of their shopping journey (i.e., ex-ante registration request). We conducted a large-scale randomized field experiment in partnership with an online retailer in the U.S. to examine how the ex-ante request affects users' registration decision, as well as short-term conversion and long-term purchase behavior. Specifically, we randomly assign the new users in the website’s incoming traffic to one of the two experimental groups: one with an ex-post registration request (control) and the other with an ex-ante registration request in addition to the ex-post request (treatment). Our results show that the ex-ante request exhibits a nudge effect on user registration, that is, the users in the treatment group on average are relatively 84.52% more likely to register with the website than those in the control group. Additionally, the ex-ante request also leads to significant increases in customer purchases in the long run, as the users in the treatment group are 3.70% more likely to make a purchase and generating 4.99% higher total revenue for the firm in the long term. Further investigation into the long-term purchases suggests that the ex-ante nudged registration leads to increased product sales via both firm-initiated interaction (i.e., email marketing campaigns) and customer-initiated interactions (i.e., click- throughs from search engines). Finally, additional analysis on user conversion funnel indicates that, while nudging more users to register, the ex-ante request also screens out a proportion of users with low purchase interests upfront, but such a screening effect does not lead to any significant decrease in customer conversion and firm profits. Our experiment provides direct managerial implications to the E-commerce websites on user registration and customer engagement, and contributes to the research on IT artifact design and digital nudging.


  Nina (Ni) Huang is an Assistant Professor at the W. P. Carey School of Business of Arizona State University. Nina’s research focuses on the design and evaluation of IT systems on the online platforms, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), mobile apps, and e-commerce websites. Her research approaches include digital experimentation, econometric modeling, and content analyses. Nina’s work has been published in top-tier journals, such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. Nina has also served as a data scientist to multiple companies, including Collage.com, Xuetangx.com, Yamibuy.com, Meishi Inc., and among others.
