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7-15 University of Alabama Jason Bennett Thatcher 教授Social Networking Site Use Resumption: A Theory of Return Migration and Social Networks

  時間:2019. 7. 15 (周一)上午10:30

  地點:主樓 216



  This study develops a theory-driven explanation for why individuals resume using SNS. The proposed IS return migration theory identifies novel two antecedents of SNS resumption: non-use-related dissatisfaction and use-related satisfaction. Also, we hypothesize dispositional resistance to change moderates the impact of non-use-related dissatisfaction and use related satisfaction on resumption. We conducted two studies to evaluate our model. Study One used the critical incident method to identify negative and positive antecedents to non-use related satisfaction and use-related satisfaction, thereby further developing the SNS resumption nomological net. Study Two extends these findings, using results of two three-wave surveys: one with recent ex-users who recently decided to stop using Facebook and one with long-standing ex-users who had stopped using Facebook months and years ago. Generally, we found support for our model, non-use related satisfaction and use-related satisfaction drove resumption intention and dispositional resistance moderated these relationships. Further, we found that time since quitting use moderated these relationships. Our findings advance understanding of resumption of SNS use, and understudied pattern of IT use and acceptance research. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of our findings for research and practice. Keywords: Social Network Sites, Resumption, Return Migration Theory, IT life cycle, Facebook  


  Prof. Thatcher is the MIS Endowed Faculty Fellow in the Department of Information Systems, Statistics and Management Science in the Culverhouse College of Business at University of Alabama. He holds B.A.'s in History (Cum Laude) and Political Science (Cum Laude) from the University of Utah as well as a M.P.A. from the Askew School of Public Administration and Policy and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the College of Business at Florida State University. Prof. Thatcher studies individual decision-making, strategic alignment and workforce issues as they relate to the effective application of information technologies in organizations.  His more recent projects direct attention to cyber security and blockchain applications. His work has been funded by grants or gifts in kind from the National Science Foundation, IBM, Salesforce.com and other sources. Prof. Thatcher’s work appears in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the AIS, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.  He has published in Financial Times 50 journals 17 times (about once a year) since earning his PhD. Prof. Thatcher maintains an active research agenda.  He appears on the MIS Quarterly most prolific authors list and was ranked as the fifth most productive scholar in the AIS Senior Scholars Journal List between 2014 and 2018.  Since earning his Ph.D., he is ranked the 18th most productive scholar out of 9,000+ active faculty in his discipline.  According to Google Scholar, Dr. Thatcher’s work has been cited more than 6,700 times. Prof. Thatcher serves as Senior Editor at the MIS Quarterly, as Senior Editor at the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and as an Associate Editor at European Journal of Information Systems.  He served on the editorial boards of Information Systems Research and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He was recognized as a top Associate Editor by Information Systems Research. Prof. Thatcher has served as President of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) and is immediate past Vice-President of Member Services for the AIS.  He has also served as President of SIG-ADIT and Past Chair of the DIGIT Workshop.  He is presently on the Advisory Board for the AIS Women’s Network and the IS Job Index National Advisory Board. He is the future conference chair of AMCIS 2020 in Salt Lake City and ICIS 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
