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11-4香港城市大學張林助理教授: Water economics: efficiency, policy, and sustainable management under climate change

  時間:2019年11月4日 15:00-16:30


  報告人:張林(香港城市大學助理教授,ETH Zurich 博士)


  The relevance of water cuts across the various sectors of the economy, from the running of residential daily life to economic activities. In China, surface water and total water resources have decreased by 5.2 and 3.2% during 2001-2009 relative to the period 1956-2000. In this talk, I will address the issues related to water use and water management in the agricultural, industrial, and power sectors. I will also discuss how the climate change affects water use efficiency and water use technology in response to the increase in water scarcity. The effectiveness of current and future water use policies to address sustainable management of water resources are empirically investigated by using data at national, provincial, sectoral, firm levels.


  Dr. Lin Zhang is an assistant professor in the School of Energy and Environment at the City University of Hong Kong, with a joint appointment in the Department of Public Policy. With a focus on energy and environmental economics, Dr. Zhang has published more than 20 papers in top-field journals in economics such as the European Economic Review, China Economic Review, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Energy Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, Energy efficiency, and Energy Policy. Dr. Zhang holds a PhD in economics from ETH Zurich, double bachelor degrees from Peking University.
