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7-8佐治亞大學趙霞助理教授:Platform Compatibility and Developer Multihoming



  報告人:趙霞 助理教授 佐治亞大學

  報告題目:Platform Compatibility and Developer Multihoming


  The competition between technological platforms often evolves around the ecosystems of the platforms. A platform makes itself compatible with other platforms in order to attract more developers on board and provide a larger number and variety of apps to users. This study investigates how a platform’s compatibility strategy impacts the developers’ multihoming decisions, exclusive app contribution decisions and performance using a large data set collected from the app stores of the two largest web browsers, Chrome and Firefox. The results show that after Firefox introduced a platform compatible strategy, a larger number of developers with a small user base on their primary platform (Chrome) multihome to Firefox. The platform compatibility strategy also encourages multihoming developers with a small user base on Firefox to develop exclusive apps for Firefox, and weakens the negative effect of market competition on exclusive app development. Moreover, we find that platform compatibility strengthens the positive relationship between multihoming developers’ app performance across platforms and the moderating effect is weaker for exclusive apps.


  趙霞教授任職于佐治亞大學(University of Georgia),博士畢業于德州大學奧斯汀分校,本科和碩士畢業于清華大學。趙霞教授主要研究方向為電子商務、在線市場、IT戰略、電子健康等領域,在Information Systems Research、Production and Operations Management、Journal of Management Information Systems等國際頂級期刊發表多篇論文。
