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4-7德國拜羅伊特大學Reinhard Meckl教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Managing international M&A – process approach
主講人:Reinhard Meckl教授(德國拜羅伊特大學)
時 間:2013年4月7日(周日)17:30-19:00
地 點:主樓326會議室
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Meckl is holding the chair for International Management at the Universi¬ty of Bayreuth, Germany. After studying economics and doing his PhD studies in business administration at the University of Regensburg Prof. Meckl worked in the central department for strategic planning of Siemens AG, Munich, an internationally operating corporation in the electro- and electromechanical industry, with a focus on managing international M&A projects. In 2000 he joined the University of Jena, Germany and took a chair for International Management before changing in 2004 to the University of Bayreuth. In addition to the professorship Reinhard Meckl is director of the Bavarian academic center for China and guest professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology. He is vice chairman of the board of the German Association for M&A and chairman of the M&A working group of the Schmalenbachgesellschaft. Since January he is co-editor of the journal “corporate finance biz”. The focus of his research is on M&A and value-based management
International M&A are one of the favorite strategies of companies to expand their business abroad. The high failure rate of international M&A show that this strategy is showing specific risks which have to be explicitly managed in such an transaction. One of those risks is an inadequate project management. M&A transactions are highly complex projects mainly due to the heterogeneous tasks which have to be fulfilled, the multiple interdependencies between the tasks and the high number of internal and external staff which has to be coordinated. The objective of the speech is to present a structured and consistent model for organizing and leading M&A projects. For every phase of an M&A transaction the structure, the people and the responsibilities and instruments employed are described. A special focus is laid on the integration phase which proves to be the most important phase for the success of such a project. Especially the management of the human factor and the communication with the most important stakeholders is of importance in the integration phase.
