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6-20Rutgers University Mark Gregory Robson教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Challenges and opportunities in Agricultural Health Research
主講人:Mark Gregory Robson教授(Rutgers University)
時 間:2013年6月20日(星期四)下午2:00
地 點:主樓510會議室
Dr. Mark Gregory Robson is the Dean of Agricultural and Urban Programs and Professor of Entomology at Rutgers University-School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Public Health–School of Public Health.Dr. Robson graduated with a BS with High Honors from Rutgers University in Agricultural Science and an MS and PhD from Rutgers University - Graduate School New Brunswick in Plant Science. He has an MPH from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - School of Public Health. For his work in the Kingdom of Thailand he received an honorary degree in public health from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok in 2010. In 2012 he was elected a Fellow in the prestigious American Academy for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Robson’s research focus is on exposures to pesticides, including children, residential, and agricultural exposures. Dr. Robson is currently the PI on an NIH-funded Fogarty ITREOH Center in Bangkok Thailand. He currently serves or has served on many international, national and state committees on environmental health.
Dr. Robson will discuss the challenges and opportunities in global agricultural health research in Asia. He will use examples from his work in Thailand and other SE Asian countries. In the past twenty years there has been a dramatic increase in the importation and use of pesticides to increase agricultural production Asia. With this increased use of these chemicals have come increased incidences of pesticide poisonings and acute health issues. Dr Robson will discuss strategies for reducing exposure to farmers and farm families as well as research needed for chronic and long term health issues.
