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8-20Rutgers University Carl E. Pray教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題    目:Economic Benefits from Biotech and the Politics of Biotech in China: Some Preliminary Hypotheses.
主講人:Carl E. Pray教授(Rutgers University)
時    間: 2013年8月20日 (星期二)上午9點
地    點:主樓510會議室
         Prof. Pray is a Distinguished Professor of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; an Adjunct Professor and Advisor of the Ph.D. Program of the Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Science; and the President of the International Consortium for Applied Bioeconomy Research. His PhD is in Economic History from the University of Pennsylvania.  He worked as an agricultural extension agent in the Peace Corps in Rajasthan, India.  The focus of his research is agricultural science and technology policy in China, South Asia, and Africa. Key issues of his research are: How do government research, science policy, intellectual property rights, regulations and advances in basic sciences influence private agricultural research and the adoption of new technology? What are the economic and institutional impacts of new agricultural technology – especially their impact on poor farmers in Asia and Africa? He is currently working on a project funded by Templeton Foundation the constraints to the spread of GM crops in developing countries. The results of this research have been published in Science, Nature, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Research Policy, and elsewhere.
         This presentation briefly reviews who benefitted from crop GM production in China and the imports of GM food and grain. That which industries could increase their profits or lose profits from the adoption of GM maize and rice in China in the future under different policy scenarios is discussed. Finally, Prof. Pray speculates about how different groups in society are responding to these opportunities and potential losses and trying to influence policy makers on GM policy.

