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9-10諾丁漢大學商學院教授Harry Rothman應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Publishing High Quality Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals: Some Practical Tips & Advice
主講人:Harry Rothman (曼徹斯特大學商學院榮譽教授、諾丁漢大學商學院教授)
時 間:2013年9月10日(星期二) 15:00-17:00
地 點:主樓418會議室
    Harry Rothman教授是英國曼徹斯特大學商學院榮譽教授,諾丁漢大學商學院教授,國際期刊Technology Analysis and Strategic Management(SSCI檢索)和New Genetics & Society(SCI檢索)的創始編輯,現任Technology Analysis and Strategic Management(SSCI檢索)主編和New Genetics & Society(SCI檢索)榮譽主編。2005年獲聘社科院院士,同時也是英國皇家藝術學會成員、應用神經科學學會會員、世界未來協會專業學會成員。Harry Rothman教授長期致力于科學和技術政策領域的教學和研究工作,總計出版9本專著和100余篇學術文章和報告,主要研究方向為技術評估、科學計量學、生物技術的社會政策和發展問題等。
    Drawing on over 25 years of editorial experience, the lecturer offers advice and suggestions for improving the chances of publishing an academic paper. The first thing to remember is that editors are seeking the best possible papers for their journal. Papers need to be original, clearly written, and relevant to the journal to which they are submitted. They must meet the high standards of scholarly presentation with respect to knowledge of relevant literature, theory and methodology; authors need to understand that these will be judged by peer review. It is a good idea to get a paper read and checked by colleagues, and perhaps by an English language specialist, before submitting it. The lecture argues the more one understands the journal article publishing process the better chance one has of being published.
