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12-9Western Washington University Sophie X. Kong副教授應邀到管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Closed-end Funds and the Financial Crisis
主講人:Sophie X. Kong (Western Washington University)
時 間:2013年12月9日(星期一)19:00
地 點:主樓418會議室
      孔教授早年畢業于南京大學,在Florida State University獲得碩士、博士學位,曾在Kansas State University從事教學工作,目前在Western Washington University從事教學工作,副教授。相關論文發表在Journal of Business & Economics Research、Journal of Portfolio Management、Journal of Financial Research等。
       We compare the impact of the recent financial crisis on open-end and closed-end mutual funds due to the difference in their organization structure: presence/absence of redemption pressure. Our primary findings are that the structural advantage of closed-end funds, i.e. absence of redemption pressure, is valuable and that such value is dynamic depending on market conditions. The structural advantage is stronger in the more volatile sectors of the market, i.e. equity sectors, and is strongest at the deepest of the crisis. Specifically, open-end bond funds outperformed their closed-end counterparts in 2008, while in sharp contrast, open-end equity funds underperformed closed-end equity funds in 2008.
