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12-13 西澳大利亞大學馬春波副教授講座:The Marginal Abatement Cost of Carbon Emissions in China

題目:The Marginal Abatement Cost of Carbon Emissions in China
主講人:馬春波 副教授
    馬春波任教于西澳大利亞大學農業及自然資源經濟學院 (2009至今)。美國倫斯勒理工學院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)經濟學博士(2007)。2007-2009年美國密歇根大學(University of Michigan)從事博士后工作,重點研究中國電力市場以及中國能源經濟。2009年加入西澳大利亞大學。在澳大利亞獲資助主持政府及企業多項學術研究項目,包括澳洲自然科學基金(Australian Research Council)的發現基金(Discovery Project)。2012年獲得澳洲ARC DECRA Fellow致力于研究澳洲太陽能發電市場。2013年成為全澳洲六個青年學者之一獲得澳洲科技工程學院(Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering)授予的低碳煤科技Fellowship,從事低碳能源相關研究。目前主要研究方向新能源市場及政策分析,中澳電力市場及政策分析,環保消費行為分析,非市場評估,以及中國能源經濟。
    There is an emerging literature estimating the marginal cost of carbon mitigation in China using a distance function approach; however, empirical estimates vary widely in the magnitude and variation, which undermines support for policies to curb carbon emission. Applying three commonly used distance functions to China’s provincial data for a 10-year period from 2001 to 2010, we show that the variability can be partially explained by the difference in the input/output coverage and whether the estimated marginal abatement cost (MAC) is conditional or unconditional. We also argue that the substantial heterogeneity relates to the economic interpretation that radial measures reflect the short-run MACs while non-radial measures reflect the long-run MACs. We estimated a mean short-run MAC of 20 US$ for carbon which is very close to the carbon prices observed in China’s recently launched pilot markets.
