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12-29 日本京都大學余碧瑩博士學術講座:How to link household energy consumption behavior with energy system analysis

題目:How to link household energy consumption behavior with energy system analysis
主講人:余碧瑩 博士
    余碧瑩,博士,現任職于日本京都大學工學部環境工學研究科。2012年獲得日本廣島大學交通和環境工程工學博士學位。主要從事家庭(包括家庭內和私人交通) 能源消耗行為研究。已在ENERGY PLOICY 等國際期刊發表論文10余篇。
    Decarbonisingthe energy sector is an unprecedented challenge which is closely related to the industrial, commercial, residential, and transport sectors, and is further complicated by a heterogeneous set of additional policy goals on energy security, equitable access to energy, technology and fuel competition in energy markets, and the sector interactions. As a result, it is broadly accepted that to meet ambitious decarburization targets requires anintegrative energy system analysis. Here, an accounting type model named Extended Snapshot (ExSS)is presented for showing aquantitativefuturesnapshot and designingthe low carbon society, by uniting the industrial structure, residential consumption, transportation demand, and power generation within one framework. In addition, unlike the other sectors, residential and private transport consumption is directly determined by consumers’ behaviors, suggesting the sustainability in the household sector to a large extent relies on whether energy efficient behavior is adopted or not.Several examples are given to demonstrate how the policies(including urban planning, technology improvement, telecommuting policy, and social norms) act on people’s energy consumption behavior and the corresponding energy demand. Subsequently, we propose an integrated methodological framework to link the household behavior with theExSS model, building onthe concept of lifestyle indicated as time use and household expenditure. This integrated energy system analysis greatly reduce the uncertainty caused by the human behavior, which can better contribute to find out the effective countermeasures for achieving the idea low carbon society in the future.
