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5-27 美國Adelphi大學商學院黃志民教授學術報告:Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain Management

題目:Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain Management
主講人:黃志民教授 (美國Adelphi大學商學院)
時間:2015年5月27日 周三 下午3:00
    黃志民,美國Adelphi大學商學院教授,The University of Texas at Austin運營管理博士(1991),OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science副主編,在管理經濟和運籌一流學術刋物上共發表文章50多篇,其中2篇發表于決策科學學科排名第1的Decision Sciences ,9篇發表于運籌學學科排名前3、 DEA領域排名第1的 EJOR, 7 篇 發 表 于 運 籌 學 學 科排名前5的 Omega 和 Journal of the Operational Research Society,1 篇發表于經濟學學科排名前3的 Journal of Econometrics上, 3 篇發表于系統科學學科排名第1的雜 International Journal of Systems Science, 3篇發表于生產率研究領域排名第1的 Journal of Productivity Analysis, 1篇收集在著名管理經濟學家Cooper等編輯的Handbook of DEA一書中。 據SCI/SSCI統計,截至2012年4月,共有50篇論文被檢索, 并被2250多篇論文引用。這些文章中涉及到的一個重要領域是數據包絡分析, 該理論體系是由運籌學泰斗、 管理科學創始人Charnes 和Cooper在1978年建立(Charnes是黃志民的博士導師, 曾入圍1974年諾貝爾經濟學獎最終3人角逐名單)。黃志民和Charnes、Cooper進一步發展了數據包絡分析有關理論和模型,他們發表的文章中有5篇創立了經典理論,有2篇建立了經典模型,而以他們名字命名的錐比率Cone Ratio DEA模型和滿意度Satisficing 模型被學術界認為是最有影響的DEA模型之一。
    The main reason for a manufacturer to use co-op advertising is to motivate immediate sales at the retail level. The manufacturer’s national advertising is intended to influence potential consumers to consider its brand and to help develop brand knowledge and preference, and is also likely to yield benefits beyond sales from an individual retailer. Retailer’s local advertising gets people into the store and, with the passage of time, brings potential consumers to the stage of desire and action and gives an immediate reason to buy (brands being offered, specific prices, store location, etc.). Co-op advertising provides consumers the information needs when they move through the final stages of purchase and a congruence of information and information needs that would be impossible if the manufacturer uses only national advertising. In addition to the same objective of immediate sales at the retail level as the manufacturer, the retailer utilizes co-op advertising to reduce substantially its total promotional expense by sharing the cost of advertising with the manufacturer.
    Most studies to date on vertical co-op advertising have focused on a relationship where the manufacturer is a leader and the retailer is a follower, which implies that the manufacturer dominates the retailer. The design and management is the main subject. Little attention has been given to the recent market structure in which retailers retain equal or more power than manufacturers do in retailing. This study is intended to discuss the relationship between co-op advertising and the efficiency of manufacturer-retailer transactions.
