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6-5 四川大學商學院牛永革教授學術講座:Market entry barriers in China

題目:Market entry barriers in China
主講人:牛永革 教授(四川大學商學院)
    牛永革博士,系清華大學經濟偉德國際1946bv官網博士后,現任四川大學商學院市場營銷與電子商務系教授,《營銷科學學報》(JMS)編委。他重點從事營銷戰略、品牌管理、廣告管理、市場進入等領域的學術研究工作。近年來主持了國家面上自然科學基金(71172196)、國家社會科學基金(13FGL007)項目,以第一兼通訊作者身份在國際頂級學術期刊Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management及國內多種重要學術期刊發表學術論文多篇,出版《地理品牌研究》學術專著一本。
    Although industrial economists and strategy theorists provide a considerable amount of research regarding market entry barriers in the context of industrialized countries such as those in North America and Western Europe, few studies focus on entry barriers in the business context of China. Consequently, an understanding of the barriers to entry to Chinese markets as perceived by Chinese business executives is limited in the marketing literature. This research, based on the development and administration of a self-completed survey of one hundred and ninety three Chinese executives, attempts to ascertain the dimensions and order of importance of market entry barriers in this context. The findings of the research indicate seven dimensions of marketing entry barriers and show that business executives in China perceive advertising effects as the most important entry barrier and capital requirements as the least important.
