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9-9 法國南特高等礦業學院/ International Journal of Production Research期刊主編Alexandre Dolgui教授學術講座:Replenishment planning in supply chains under uncertainty of lead times

題目:Replenishment planning in supply chains under uncertainty of lead times
主講人:Alexandre Dolgui教授(法國南特高等礦業學院/ International Journal of Production Research期刊主編)
     Alexandre Dolgui博士現為法國南特高等礦業學院教授、法國法約爾研究所主任、International Journal of Production Research期刊主編,長期從事供應鏈管理、制造系統設計與優化、運作管理等。Alexandre Dolgui教授曾擔任IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics、International Journal of Systems Science、Omega和Computers & Industrial Engineering等多個主流期刊的副主編或區域編輯,擔任多個主流國際會議主席或程序委員。其已在IIE Transactions、OMEGA、EJOR、IJPR和IJPE等國際主流SCI刊源上發表論文180余篇。
    Supply planning for the case of an assembly system with one type of finished product assembled from n different types of components is considered. The components are procured from n diverse external suppliers to satisfy finished product demand. It is supposed that the component lead times and the finished product demand are random discrete variables. The assembly company must determine what optimal quantities of components are and when is the right time to order? The objective is to minimize the total cost which is composed of holding component costs, tardiness penalties, lost sales and surplus item costs for finished products. A single-period analytical model is proposed. Several properties of the objective function are proven. They are used to develop a Branch and Bound algorithm. Numerical tests of the algorithm are presented. Five heuristics based on Newsvendor model for lead time and demand are proposed and compared with the Branch and Bound algorithm. These tests show that the suggested Branch and Bound algorithm can solve large size problems within a short time. The proposed heuristics but one are not competitive with the Branch and Bound algorithm. The truncated version of Branch and Bound give better results.
