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12-28 瑞典皇家工學院嚴晉躍教授應邀到管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:低碳約束下的能源科學

主講人:嚴晉躍教授  瑞典皇家工學院

時 間:12月28日下午3:30

地 點:中心教學樓1003


  Jerry Jinyue Yan is currently Chair Professor of Mälardalen University & Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. He received his Ph.D. in Energy Processes from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, and PhD and MSc in Engineering Thermophysics from Tianjin University, China. He was Chair Professor of Head of Energy Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Associate Professor (Docent) of Energy Processes, KTH, Assistant Professor and Visiting Scientist of KTH, and Research Assistant and Assistant Professor of Tianjin University.

  Professor Yan had short visits as Guest Professor in National Univ. of   Singapore (2008), Hong Kong Univ. (2008), University of Iceland & Univ. of Akureyri (Iceland, 2008, 2009) Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. (2006), Int.    Applied System Studies (IIASA), Austria (2005), Chinese Academy of Sciences (2004, 2006), University of Perugia, Italy (2005), and Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (2000).

    Professor Yan received Assessor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chang-Jiang Professor of Ministry of Education, China, Honourary Professor of several universities in China, and Award of best PhD thesis by Sydkraft for Kenneth Möllersten who I supervised. He is an Editor-in-chief of Applied    Energy, Elsevier Int. Journal, a member of Editorial Board of 5 Int. Journals, an Energy of China Science and Technology Review for Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China, a Springer Press of China Scientific Progress, etc. Research grants have been successfully attracted from European Commission in the 5th , 6th and 7th Frame Programme, and Asia ProEco Programme, Asian Development Bank, Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Strategic Development Foundation, Swedish International Cooperation Agency, and Swedish Research Council etc. He has some international projects in the cooperation with China, and published more than 200 publications incl. the paper in Sciences and feature article in Mechanical Engineering.