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3-15 香港城市大學商學院院長K K Wei教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Conceptualizing and Testing a Social Cognitive Model of Digital Divide

主講人:Prof K K Wei    香港城市大學

時 間:3月15日(周一)下午 2:40-4:40

地 點:主樓418會議室


  Dr Wei is Dean and Chair Professor of Information Systems in the Faculty of Business at the City University of Hong Kong. He is Fellow of the Association of Information Systems (AIS) and he was the President of that Association in 2003/4.
  Before joining CityU, Dr Wei was Professor and founding Head of the Department of Information Systems at the National University of Singapore. As Head of two major IS Departments in Asia (National University of Singapore and City University of Hong Kong) in the past decade, Dr Wei has developed a strong research culture and initiated major research efforts that resulted in both Departments being placed among the top 15 IS departments worldwide (Communications of the AIS, 2005, pp. 555-564). He has also introduced major curriculum reforms that aligned the degree programs in both Departments to AIS guidelines, thereby raising the international value of these programs.
  Dr Wei is serving on the Series Editorial Advisory Board of Idea Group Publishing/Information Science Publishing and on the Editorial Boards of a good number of international journals including the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. He has served as Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly and Associate Editor of Information Systems Research. He has also played major roles in ICIS and PACIS. As an excellent educator, his doctoral students have attained placements in good universities worldwide.
  Dr Wei has published more than 150 journal and conference papers. Based on Social Science Citation Index, his works have been cited over 780 times. He is actively pursuing research on e-commerce, knowledge management and supply chain management systems.