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4-29 斯洛伐克技術大學 Professor Peter Struk 應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:Applications of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logics ideas in multi criteria decision making

主講人:Professor Peter Struk 斯洛伐克技術大學

時 間:4月29日上午 10:00—12:00

地 點:主樓418


  Peter Struk: born August 19, 1963 in Bratislava, graduated 1986 at Teacher-Education in Natural Sciences: Mathematics and Geography at Comenius University, Bratislava. He obtained his PhD. from Applied Mathematics at Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava in 2007. In 1987 he became the teacher at Secondary School I, Horvatha, Bratislava. And In 1997 he became the associate professor at Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava. Since 2007 he became a professor at Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava.


  Decision-making problem is the process of finding the best option from all of the feasible alternatives. In classical Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, the ratings and the weights of the criteria are known precisely, whereas in the real world, in an imprecise and uncertain environment, it is an unrealistic assumption that the knowledge and representation of a decision maker or expert are so precise. So, to describe and treat imprecise and uncertain elements present in a decision problem, fuzzy and stochastic approaches are frequently used. The report will tell us how to use fuzzy sets and fuzzy logics ideas to solve the MCDM problem.