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6-3 University of DelawareNewark Professor Burton A. Abrams應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題 目:The current banking crisis in the U.S. and the Fed’s response

主講人:Professor  Burton A. Abrams  University  of  Delaware  Newark

時 間:6月3日下午2:30—4:00

地 點:研究生樓102


  Burton A. Abrams received his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, where he was trained in Banking and Monetary Policy.  Currently, he is a Professor of Economics at the University of Delaware.  He has been awarded Fulbright Professorships to The People’s Republic of China (Nankai University).He has been as a visiting economist at the Federal Trade Commission and was a National Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.Professor Abrams has published nearly forty papers in refereed professional journals including Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Public Choice and the National Tax Journal. His articles have also appeared in The Economists’ Voice, The Milken Institute Review. His research has been mentioned in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other major media outlets. His research includes topics concerning banking regulation, determinants of economic growth and public choice. His teaching concentrates on banking, macroeconomics and international economics.


  The current banking crisis in the U.S. is in some respects even more dramatic than the banking crisis in the Great Depression.  Highly unusual responses by the Federal Reserve Bank have kept the severe recession from becoming a second Great Depression. Professor Abrams’ talk will address the causes and extent of the current banking crisis, the effect on bank credit, the Fed’s responses and the problems that remain.