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3-25 新加坡國立大學董潤禎應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題  目:Challenges facing Management Science/Operations Research/Industrial Engineering education and research: Singapore experience
主講人:董潤禎教授、系主任 新加坡國立大學工業與系統工程系
時  間:2011年3月25日下午3:30
地  點:主樓418會議室
  Prof LC Tang (董潤?) is the Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. He obtained a Ph.D degree from Cornell University in 1992 in the field of Operations Research. Dr LC Tang has published more than 90 SCI papers in international peer-review journals, including European Journal of Operational Research, IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Quality Technology, Naval Research Logistics and Queueing Systems. Notably, he has won the 2010 IIE Transactions Best Application Paper Award -Quality and Reliability. He is on the editorial review board of the Journal of Quality Technology, the flag-ship journal of the American Society for Quality. He is also an active reviewer for about 30 international journals including Operations Research, Technometric, etc.. He has been consulted by more than 20 international corporations on problems demanding innovative applications of probability, statistics and other operations research techniques. He is the main author of the book, “Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for BB and MBB” (John Wiley & Sons) which was presented with the inaugural Masing Book Prize on the International Academy for Quality in 2007. He is also the co-author of a book on stochastic processes, Markov-Modulated Processes and Semiregenerative Phenomena (World Scientific Publishing).
  In recent years, there has been some rethinking of the future of MS/OR/IE and its value proposition in education and research. In this talk, a historical perspective of the development of ISE in Singapore is introduced along with challenges faced in the context of Singapore. Some key initiatives with the aim of enhancing the values of MS/OR/IE education and research are then presented. The main purpose is to generate some fruits for thoughts and further discussions so that we can better prepare ourselves and our students in facing an unknown future.
