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6-2 美國加州大學伯克利分校申作軍教授應邀管理與經濟學院作學術報告

題  目:Infrastructure Design for Electric Vehicles

主講人:申作軍教授 美國加州大學伯克利分校

時  間:2011年6月2日 下午2:00

地  點:主樓216會議室

  Zuo-jun(Max)Shen,美國西北大學工業工程與管理科學博士,現任美國加州大學伯克利分校工業工程與運籌學系教授。主要從事集成供應鏈設計與管理、優化算法的設計、分析決策等方面的研究工作。主持并參與多項美國國家自然科學基金項目,曾獲2003年度美國國家自然科學基金CAREER Award、2008年度美國INFORMS協會Chuck ReVelle Rising Star Award等獎勵,出版了多部專著,并在《Operations Research》、 《Management Science》等 國際頂級學術期刊上發表論文30余篇。現任美國INFORMS協會多個分會的主席或委員,《Operations Research》、《Naval Research Logistics》 和《Journal of Flexible Services and Manufacturing》副主編,《Production and Operations Management》 和《International Journal of Inventory Research》編委。

  The talk will discuss an infrastructure design problem for electric vehicles (EVs). A key obstacle to infrastructure planning for EVs comes from the long recharging time that makes it difficult to "refuel" the vehicle in the middle of a long trip. To address this problem, some have advocated that an EV infrastructure network should include swapping stations, at which EVs may exchange their empty batteries for full ones in the middle of long trips, in addition to charging adaptors at homes, work places and shopping malls. This solution allows EVs to be effectively "refueled" in only 1-2 minutes instead of hours. Since the adoption rate of electric vehicles, and thus demand for swapping service, is still highly uncertain, we model the swapping station network design problem within a robust optimization framework. The objective is to minimize the cost of servicing customers while maintaining a certain service requirements. We demonstrate how to tightly bound this integrated network design problem by a mixed-integer second-order cone programming problem. Finally, we discuss some computational results using data from the San Francisco Bay Area freeway network.
